Isami Pashad Character in Avanima | World Anvil
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Isami Pashad

Chief of Naval Forces Isami Pashad

Isami Pashad (family name Isami Rose) is the Chief of the Naval Forces among the Jasani Pentarchy, a former officer of the imperial navy and a former marine with a distinguished military record. She is the daughter of former Pentarch Stark Rose, mate of Chief of Special Operations Tanner Pashad, and mother of Jassar 2nd Lieutenant Soren Pashad.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Isami, burdened by the many tasks of a Pentarch, is no longer quite so fit as she once was. Once upon a time she could fly 20 miles non-stop, all of her equipment on her back, and immediately land ready to fight. However, she is still healthy and can still beat the average person in a sword duel.

Specialized Equipment

Isami is fully trained in the use of Bowtractors, Seafire, and Navy Firebolts, alongside a variety of polearms and bladed weapons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born amidst the Jasani conflicts , Isami was influenced by her family of distinguished military officers to begin pre-enlistment childhood training in the navy. When the 2nd phase conflicts began her education was accelerated. She first served in the navy by the time of her twelfth cycle (there were no universal standards on child military service).


The Lakati Military Academy.


Isami’s post was as an ensign on a Jasani Sakurti Diver patrolling the West Lota sea. During this time, she saw no combat or significant service for nearly 6 years, but by the age of 18 she’d risen the ranks to Commander. This was largely criticized as favoritism because of her influential mother, a Colonel in the distinguished Home Fleet, and her Pentarch Father.

Accomplishments & Achievements

These doubts were effectively silenced after the fleet action at Amallas Island. After the 3rd offensive fleet, the “Thunder Strikers”, took significant casualties including its flagship, Isami managed to rally a group of Sakurti to attack the island. This drew away the enemy ships, which allowed the 3rd fleet to escape the battle, and then Isami slipped away before they could be cornered. The maneuver probably saved hundreds of sailors.   From then Isami gained her own small fleet, “Isami’s raiders”, with the explicit goal of harassing enemy forces and pulling off asymmetric maneuvers to turn the tide of seagoing battles. By the end of the Jasani conflicts this force had a long service of turning battles, raiding cities, and sowing chaos. Rumor had it that Isami was on a fast track to Admiral. However, she had grown an appreciation for the marines and chose to transfer to their ranks. Her distinguished career continued as she became involved in military operations against pirates and monstrous creatures.   Somewhere in the process she met Tanner Pashad, an up-and-coming Colonel in the Jasa'vi Shock Troopers. They decided to mate-lock with each other and had a son together (who is now about 15 cycles). Her father retired from the Pentarchy a few years ago, allowing her to ascend to the position just behind Mr. Pashad. This makes the Pashad/Rose family one of the most influential in the world.


Soren Pashad

Son (Vital)

Towards Isami Pashad



Isami Pashad

Mother (Vital)

Towards Soren Pashad



Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Pentarch, Colonel (marines), Captain (navy)
Year of Birth
424 37 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown stomach, dark brown back feathers
3.6 spans (.9 ft)
34 flaps (.85 pounds)
Aligned Organization

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