Ares Character in Avalon | World Anvil


God of War

Divine Domains

War, Inner Strength and Triumph

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Bulls, lions, burning spear

Tenets of Faith

  • Inner strength is a raging fire that will keep you warm on the coldest of nights.
  • The gods were not sent to solve the problems of mankind. They were sent to inspire mankind to action.
  • Fight for what you believe in - do not falter in defending your life, your liberty, your land, your loves.


Strongman Day (Summer - Leo - 13) Unification Day (Harvest - Crasus - 15)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ares was one of the last to come to Utah and many speculate he only did so at the command of his wife Artemis. Ares is vocal god, but a private one - few mortals realized that he was Artemis' husband until Artemis introduced him as such. Few personal details are known about him. Most of what mortals know of him has been through observation of his actions during his time in Avalon. He followed the founders of norden Reunia and has given them much support in their fights against the feral vampires and other dangerous beasts in the Salt Lake Valley.


Ares frowns on those who have a weak will/character, and decries those who give in to personal vices and weaknesses. He has an understanding for those who fall back into old patterns while on the road to self-improvement, but those who refuse to better themselves are met with great scorn.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Aggressive and grumpy Ares can be a finicky god to pray to for help, as he prefers his worshippers to gain strength by solving their own issues. He says finding and using one’s personal strength is more rewarding than him always helping.


Contacts & Relations

Ares has a very neutral opinion about the revenants and the fae. As long as they don't bother him, he won't bother them.

Family Ties

Ares is married to Artemis, the guardian angel of Prussia and the protector of mankind. Again, not much is known of his personal dealings, but it is believed that he is a devoted husband and fierce fighting partner to his wife.



Wife (Important)

Towards Ares




Husband (Important)

Towards Artemis



Divine Classification
God (ashrel)


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