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The Forest of Megafauna

This forest was formed as a result of the cataclysm. The whole area is affected by some spell gone awry. This spell causes all wildlife to grow greatly. Giant Leopards, Anacondas that could pass as rivers, and trees stretching almost 1000 feet into the air are among the terrifying inhabitants of the area.


The area is (disregarding scale) a relatively small rainforest. Its area is perfectly circular, mirroring the area of effect of the spell. The main river which is scaled up similarly which runs through the center, but disappearing on each end.


The ecology of the area is particularly messy. The cycle of weather repeats exactly every 30 days. The weather is not affected by the surrounding area's temperature or weather. In fact, while the weather of the outside world mirrors Ireland's, the inside is always hot and humid.

Ecosystem Cycles

Without seasons or other major changes to influence the area, the only noticeable changes are in the populations of prey and predators. As one population grows or shrinks, the other is affected in the opposite way. The locals often use a boom of prey to venture into the forest. However, even in such times travel is dangerous.

Fauna & Flora

The population of this area is just that of a nonmagical rainforest, with everything 10 times the size and living 10 times as long. The trees almost never die without outside intervention, and an awakened tiger is said to have gained unimaginable power for a giant cat. Sample species: jaguar, tiger, anaconda, monkey, ants, smaller snakes (flying snake), massive spiders, humongous frogs, piranhas the size of boats, crocodiles

Natural Resources

The wood from this forest has special properties that make it valuable. It is often considered the last chance method of gathering magic materials due to the massive risks.


Created by the cataclysm, this area was created from a failed ritual meant to strengthen a wizard by ten times and grant him eternal life.


This area is avoided by all but the most powerful creatures and monsters.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)

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