COTH Organization in Avagus | World Anvil
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COTH (Ka-Th)

COTH or the Coalition Of The Hero is a country formed on socialism and democracy, Cothianings believe in Lakci which is a culture and movement founded by Madam Osania and lead with the help of the first Lakra Urazel. The country believes in true freedom of religion and gives everyone basic rights as a being. The country was formed on a revolution and was built by the people for the people. In terms of trade the country has the main market worldwide for ships, nautical potions, machinery, nautical monster skin and nautical food, some of the foods that are most popular and most expensive worldwide are foods such as Bulette Claw soup, Chuul Tail, Dragon Turtle everything.   Lakra is the title of president in COTH. They are chosen by the people to repsent the greatness and phyliphy of the great country COTH. All the lakras in order -   Urazel(Urod Urazel) - 513 - 513   Urazel + Osania(Urod Urazel + Madam Osania) - 513 - 533   Dul(Tarod Dul) - 533 - 593   Latarie(Zeki Latarie) - 593 - 653   Sai(Shin Sai) - 653 - 713   Wave(Vanya Wave) -713 - 773   Urazel the Third(lilac Urazel, great grandaughter of the only lover Lakra's) - 773 - 873   Feno(Nirith Feno died mysteriously and the body hasnt been found) - 873 - 900   After the recent dissaprence of a leader and the war of 900 looking like it might become a reliaty the working forces of COTH have been arming themselves and are about to make action if the war might happen.
Geopolitical, Country

Both became popular because of the other


COTH understands the fear of the Izar empire, but the country is very confused on why they are still allied with them though.

Allies to each others people and the Pirate Queen, but the people of the COTH need a new leader and they want a pirate to lead them.

Both want each others home safe from tyranny.


Both parities want a better new leader for COTH.


Both parities want a better new leader for COTH.

Both parities want a better new leader for COTH.

They both are complete mortal enemies because of there past.

Coth does not like the Izar empire involved and the creators of this conflict, they wish for the natives to take their land back and for the empire to leave.


They both despise each other ideologies.


Articles under COTH


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