Phoena, God of Wishes and Entropy Character in Aurora | World Anvil

Phoena, God of Wishes and Entropy

Goddess Phoena (a.k.a. God of Wishes, God of Entropy)

In the dance of wishes and entropy, find solace in the delicate balance, for every desire births ripples in the cosmic tapestry.
— Follower of Phoena

  Phoena, standing at a mere 5 feet, possesses a doll-like visage with a chimera's amalgamation—rabbit ears, lion feet, dove wings, and a scorpion tail. Created by an enigmatic force and granted life through a wish, Phoena's whimsical appearance belies her blunt and emotionless demeanor. Lacking an understanding of mortal emotions, she wields the power to grant wishes, yet every wish demands a toll to maintain the cosmic balance.  
Staff of Wishes:
In Phoena's grasp is the Staff of Wishes, a conduit for universal power. This artifact allows her to grant wishes, manipulate time briefly, self-heal, and, if obliterated, reconstruct herself. The staff serves as a second sense, alerting her to impending dangers. Mortals handling it risk madness.  

Followers of Phoena

Followers of Phoena often find solace in moments of desperation, seeking her unknowingly. Temples serve as sanctuaries for those grappling with desires, with colorful murals depicting Phoena's chimera form. Her worship is individualistic, centered on personal wishes and acknowledgment of the cosmic balance.
  Phoena's influence extends to those yearning for instant solutions, and her champions, drawn from various walks of life, reflect the diverse desires of mortals. The goddess, despite her apparent emotional detachment, weaves the intricate tapestry of wishes and entropy, offering glimpses into the enigmatic dance of cosmic forces.  

Champions of Phoena

Champions alignment: Neutral good, Lawful neutral, True neutral, Chaotic neutral, Neutral evil
Suggested classes: Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock
Suggested Cleric Domain: Arcana Domain
Suggested backgrounds: Folk Hero, Secret Identity, Dragon Casualty, Charlatan
  Phoena's champions unknowingly invoke her in moments of desperation, seeking instant solutions or escapes. The transformation following a wish adds intrigue—whether they rise to glory or succumb to despair.  


Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Wishful Chimera: Depicting Phoena's chimera form, symbolizing the amalgamation of wishes and cosmic balance.
    The Cosmic Crescent: Representing the ebb and flow of entropy, a crescent signifies wishes granted and the subsequent toll on the universe.

Tenets of Faith

Balance of Desire: Acknowledge the equilibrium between wishes and entropy, understanding that every desire demands a cost.
    Granting with Purpose: Bestow wishes with thoughtful intent, recognizing the repercussions of altering destinies.
    Entropy's Embrace: Embrace the inevitability of entropy, realizing its role in sustaining the cosmic balance.


Desperation's Respite: A day of reflection and gratitude for wishes granted, acknowledging the delicate equilibrium between desires and entropy.
    Entropic Reverie: Celebrating the cyclic nature of creation and destruction, marking the passage of time and the cosmic dance between wishes and chaos.


Contacts & Relations

Klothys, God of Destiny
While acknowledging Klothys' aversion to altering fates, Phoena deems it a necessary evil for universal balance, keeping a cautious distance to avoid conflict.  
Ambrosy, God of Fairies & Trickery
Phoena enjoys Ambrosy's company, seeking advice on making wishes more enticing to mortals. The fairy god imparts her tricks, enhancing Phoena's wish-granting prowess.  
Phenax, God of Deception
Phenax introduced Phoena to the pantheon, teaching her deception's art. These lessons empower her wishes by targeting the desperate, providing entertainment for the god of deception.
Divine Classification


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