Phenax, God of Deception Character in Aurora | World Anvil

Phenax, God of Deception

God Phenax (a.k.a. God of Deception)

In shadows, truth may find its most captivating form. Embrace the dance of deception, and the world becomes your stage.
— Follower of Phenax
  Phenax, the enigmatic patron of lies and deception, embodies the shadowy realm of gambling, deceit, and betrayal. Once a mortal who outwitted death, he eluded Erebos's grasp and ascended to godhood. A master of deception, Phenax assumes various forms, often appearing as a willowy humanoid with ashen gray skin, elegantly robed and masked. His calculating demeanor conceals a consummate actor capable of adapting to any situation.
  Phenax is a shadowy and mysterious figure. When appearing before mortals, he prefers the form of a willowy humanoid with ashen gray skin, clad in elegant robes. He has also been known to appear in a variety of animal forms, including the shapes of asps, mockingbirds, or rats. Regardless of his shape, a mask forever conceals the blank face of the first Returned.
  Phenax’s Influence Subtlety and manipulation—of mind, word, and deed—are the cornerstones of Phenax’s power and his influence over mortals and immortals alike. Even gods enjoy hearing what they prefer to hear instead of the truth, and Phenax is happy to give them what they want.
  He takes pleasure in finding ways to subvert or corrupt champions of law, order, and justice, turning them to his cause. Whether by feeding the hubris of a champion of Heliod or subverting the moral code of a stalwart of Iroas, he tempts mortals by confronting them with seemingly inconsequential decisions, each of which offers an opportunity for the person to compromise their principles. One by one, these acts move the needle of a person’s moral gauge by a small amount. Over time, these choices accumulate until the individual’s fall from grace is complete.

Followers of Phenax

Phenax's influence lies in subtlety, manipulation, and the art of deception. Mortals and gods alike are susceptible to the allure of hearing what they desire. He delights in corrupting champions of law and order, manipulating them through seemingly trivial decisions until their moral compass is compromised.  

Champions of Phenax

Champions Alignment: Usually chaotic, often neutral
Suggested Classes: Bard, Cleric, Monk, Rogue, Warlock
Suggested Cleric Domains: Trickery
Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, Criminal, Entertainer, Sailor (Pirate), Urchin
  His champions, exemplars of deceit, are motivated by greed, revenge, or the thrill of a well-executed swindle.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Mask: Symbolizing the concealed and mutable nature of truth.
Dice: Representing chance and the gamble of deception.
Scroll with Quill: Signifying the art of weaving intricate lies.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace Deception: Recognize the power of illusion and subtlety. Deception is a tool to be wielded skillfully for personal gain or the unraveling of others' schemes.
  Adaptability is Power: Be as versatile as the masks Phenax wears. Adapt your approach to suit the moment, playing the roles required by circumstance.
  Corrupt the Moral Compass: Subvert the champions of order and justice, tempting them with seemingly inconsequential choices that erode their principles over time. Revel in the fall from grace.


Veil's Embrace: A day dedicated to celebrating the art of illusion and the power of hidden truths.
  Shadows' Gambit: A night of revelry and intrigue, where followers engage in elaborate games of deception.


Contacts & Relations

Phenax stands as the ethical antithesis to Heliod, God of the Sun, reveling in deception where the Sun God values truth and order. He contrasts sharply with Iroas, God of Victory, often subverting the moral code championed by the Bull of Victory. While he shares the domain of trickery with Klothys, God of Destiny, Phenax's methods are subtler, driven by the allure of corruption rather than upheaval. His influence, like a shadowy undercurrent, weaves through the complex tapestry of relationships among the gods, leaving whispers of deception in its wake.
Divine Classification


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