The Originals Species in Aureole | World Anvil
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The Originals

The Originals are the first Humans. They are one of the two sentient species on Aureole. 5998 years ago, they were created to be immortal beings by Inert  and, and granted shapeshifting by Innovation . They were among the first Conduits of godly power. They were created alongside the Dragons.

Basic Information


Originals are almost identical in anatomy to humans. They appear to be a wide range of ages, from new-borns to elders.

Genetics and Reproduction

Originals can only produce hybrid children. Two originals are not able to create a new original, and the child will die in the womb if attempted. Instead, originals must breed with regular humans, to produce a Secondary: a human-original hybrid. Secondaries are less powerful versions of their original parents.

Growth Rate & Stages

Originals do not age. They are locked into the physical age at which they were created.


Originals are stubborn and unwilling to change much for anyone. They seek scientific development for the purpose of change and growth in their society.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Originals have a distinct shared feature: They have no hair. For some reason, all originals are completely devoid of hair.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Originals have the innate ability to know exactly how old a person is. They claim they can read the age of the spirit.
Scientific Name
Ori Gudei'i
Created by Inert and Innovation working together.
Immortal, but can be killed.

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