Trèverr Species in Aurelimoore | World Anvil
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Trèverr are large sentient tree creatures, residing among the forests of the realm. When they remain motionless Trèverr are indistinguishable from normal trees. These huge creatures act as sentinels and shepherds of the trees, protecting the forests from those who do not regard them with respect.

Basic Information


In their long time on Aurelimoore amongst the trees, the tree-like  have become more like regular trees than one might think. They commonly remain in a slumber, while in this state they remain motionless and have become indistinguishable from normal trees. The Trèverr exist across a wide variety of trees, any tree found across Aurelimoore more than likely has a Trèverr brethren.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Trèverr are capable of speaking Common, Sylvan, Treespeech, and Druidic.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

When the Trèverr need to decide upon something they meet in a moot. Their long lifespans and unhurried nature results in these moots taking what mortals would consider a long time. It is not uncommon for one of these moots to take weeks if not months to come to a conclusion.

Common Taboos

Trèverr are strongly opposed to those who would bring wanton destruction to their brethren trees. Those who would bring flame to their home are considered blasphemers and treated with extreme prejudice.


The Trèverr were created by Murasion the Goddess of Nature to act as a shepherds of the trees and watchers within the wooded wilds of Aurelimoore. These stalwart guardians stand vigil against those who would fell the trees without regard for the forests as a whole.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Often the Trèverr choose to remain to themselves and stay out of mortal affairs.
Anywhere from a few hundred years to a few thousand.
Average Height
Average Weight
4,500+ pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Trèverr come in all variety of coloring and markings, matching that of the trees they reside among.


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