Aurasong Open hostilities between Gatal and Alfalya
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Open hostilities between Gatal and Alfalya

Political event


Hostilities between the Elves of Alfalya and the Dwarves of Gatal began.

In 347, the Elves of Alfalya demanded the Dwarves of Gatal reduce the amount of trees they cut.   However the dwarves completely ignored the elves. The elves did not like this in the least and after several demands that were ignored, the elves sent a group of soldiers that ambushed and killed several dwarves that were out cutting wood to send a message.   The Dwarves of Gatal wrote this cowardly act into their history book to never be forgotten. The dwarves continued to chop down trees, this time preparing to catch any elven ambush squad on their way to the logging camp.
As expected by the dwarves, after a few months the elves sent another group of soldiers. This time the dwarves were ready with their own soldiers and lured the elves into a trap, killing the vast majority of them; the rest escaped and reported back what happened.   Ever since then, there have been small skirmishes between the two nations.
This stopped in 920 with both nations now staying in their territories, however tensions between the two stayed. The elves still occasionally send a diplomat with demands to reduce the amount of trees being cut, which the dwarves always ignore.

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