A generic article for the Bestiary February event! I only began one article that month:
Diggogg for prompt #17, Burrow. I've since moved the info to its own article.
All the prompts are fun and I want to get to them all eventually, even though the event has passed. I'll link the inspired flora & fauna here as I complete them.
- 1. Wings
- 2. Stripes
- 3. Horn
- 4. Shell
- 5. Colorful
- 6. Nocturnal
- 7. Mythical
- 8. Prey
- 9. Monstrous
- 10. Danger
- 11. Purr
- 12. Roar
- 13. Shriek
- 14. Howl
- 15. Tamed
- 16. Pack
- 17. Burrow - Diggogg
- 18. Bond
- 19. Stinky
- 20. Gentle
- 21. Messenger
- 22. Food
- 23. Vicious
- 24. Silent
- 25. Parasite
- 26. Predator
- 27. Stalk