Unsettling statues Item in Atocitera | World Anvil
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Unsettling statues

We don't know what these are, how or by whom they are made, or what is their purpose. And the only logical conclusion is... very unsettling.     There is a reason we kill people when they show signs of giving up to corruption and then become too dangerous.
Some of the people decide to leave before we can get to them. And to think that they may be surviving down there.   Or worse. What if they have a functional society down there? What would that mean for us?
-Planners discussing the appearance of unsettling statues


Unsettling statues is designation for specific fist-sized statues appearing at places frequented by Raiders.
They are often placed in very visible places, like trunks of felled trees, remnants of stone structures, or affixed in branches of trees just at eye level.   Each statue is made out of wood, stone, or occasionally metals. Individual statues are unique hand-crafted depictions of various persons.
The only shared traits of these statues are wicked smiles and crimson quartz crystals growing through parts of the statues.
  These statues often depict a person in the middle of some painful process, assumed to be caused by the growing crystal. The wicked smile symbolizes that even though the process is obviously painful, the person is not distressed by it, and instead appears to be enjoying and liking the process.   To Raiders and people on Atocitera these statues pose seemingly no threat, so Raiders are allowed to keep them.
Many decide to handle them to Planners for disposal. This decision is often reached the next day after Raider recovers the statue.
Raiders who recovered these statues report unpleasant whispers, hearing seducing offers, and dreams in which they were not themselves.


The Unsettling statues are created by Corrupted monstrosities. People who used to live on the Atocites, but were swayed by the Corruption.
  They use tools of their own making to carve the statues out of their material by hand. When the statue is carved, a hole is made in the place where the crystal will "grow through". The statue is then placed in special kilns with a few specifically selected grains of sand placed in the hole.
In this kiln, the sand act as a catalyst for crystal growth. After a few hours, the statue is extracted, and any undesired crystals present on the statue are removed.   The finished statue is then ready to be used, without any need for further decoration.  


Corrupted monstrosities consider these statues to be a medium to the consciousness behind the Corruption on Atocitera. Throughout the voice, they conclude more deals, losing more of themselves in order to get more power.
  Sometimes the Corruption does not want a piece of the person, but instead the creation of another statue, to be then delivered to the unsuspecting Raiders.
As the Raiders take the statues with them, the creator of the statue succeeded on their part, and in return was granted more strength and power by the Corruption.   Raiders and people on Atocites have no idea about the true use of the statues. So Raiders who recover them are tempted by the Corruption in them without realizing it.


Wood, Stone, Metal;
Crimson Quartz.
Artificially grown crystals.
Communication with Corruption;
Engaging in bargains for strength and power.
Item type


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