Channelers Ethnicity in Atocitera | World Anvil
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We Channelers focus our time on self-improvement and hunting without the time limitation of having to return to Atocite.
Yes, if you see some Raiders, you are encouraged to destroy them all without leaving a single one alive. If you can do that, happy hunting.


Between people on Atocites, it is widely spread fact that the Ground below is very inhospitable for Humans.
Yet Channelers settled even in these conditions. Their connection to the Corruption causes them to be perceived by beasts and monsters as a natural element in the ecosystem of Atocitera, rather then outsiders and invaders like everyone on Atocites.
Thanks to this, they do not face that many attacks, and as long as they are able to show they can keep their territory, the species of Atocitera leave them be.   People of this ethnicity are not born into it but rather exiled into it.
Whenever a person shows signs of advanced Corruption and becomes unreliable, they are scheduled for execution. The lucky ones manage to escape and leave the Atocite by diving to the Ground below.
After they land, they are considered a Corrupted monstrosity. A being too lost in Corruption.
  However, they can prove to still have a sliver of identity, which they use to selectively grow in power as the Corruption empowers them. Those with this sliver of identity are brought to the Fort Coriard, where they join the Channelers.


Clothed in rags and leathers, the Channelers are humans who gave up almost all of their humanity and identity to Corruption in exchange for power. Some look almost human, others look as if they tried to mimic humans.
Their bodies are often changed in varying ways that help them in fighting, hunting, and mobility.   Instead of weapons, they use either their bare hands or growth from their arms made either from bone, stone, or metal itself. The Channelers got these in spite of their originally human bodies through painful self augmentations with either Flow or Corruption.    


Using Corruption itself the Channelers empower themselves in myriad ways. Beginning from the ability to detect Corruption to changing their bodies and ensuring longevity.   Channelers believe they are the chosen warriors to protect the world and fight unknown threats behind the sea. Many considered themselves ready for the attack, but whispers of Corruption quickly proved them otherwise.
They don't know why the Corruption is not letting them go, even though they are able to easily dominate the majority of Species of Atocitera.    
After hours of chasing the beast, we found it dead. Head ripped apart from the body bud no culprit around.
All five of us investigated the area, and that was when we all felt it. The impending doom. The coming death.
I shouted to the four of us, to quickly move on. As we stood no chance.
We ran through the woods, and only heard the rustling of leaves and muffled shriek. Noone turned to look. Two of us made it out of these woods.
As we rushed to the elevator, I looked behind my dead friend. I saw its eyes.
What looked like human eyes were instead gates to hell itself, and it looked at me with amusement.
As the elevator is taking me home, I barely scribble this with my only hand. I did not make it, that thing let me go to give you a warning.  
-Only page in blodied diary found at the looting wheel.

Combat habits and relationships with others

For Channelers, combat is fun. They know that nothing on Atocitera can threaten them in one on one combat.
Even the weakest-looking ones have their bodies considerably tougher than the Raiders. Some were seen to shrug off direct weapon attacks.
Using their modified bodies, they are able to kill their enemies with inhuman strength and speed, which they often abuse to mock their prey. Channelers kill their prey only after they make it feel despair, or at the first opportunity if they feel even a splinter of threat from it.   This leads them to be extremely arrogant and self-confident. Thus some fall into the clever traps of inventive and adaptive Raiders.
Channelers don't see it coming until it is too late.

Detail card:

  Alternative names:
Corrupted monstrosities
Existential   Dangers:
Elite level combattants.
Channeling of Corruption.   Vulnerabilities:
Arogant, Egoistic, or Narcistic.
Superiority complex.


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