Yeshana Anamara Character in Atmosel | World Anvil
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Yeshana Anamara

The Daughter

Adventure without falter, and allow curiosity to let you discover new things.
  Yeshana Anamara, often referred to as the Daughter, is a chaotic neutral deity ascendant and half of the Anamara Duumvirate. She is the daughter of Anyalan Anamara.   Yeshana generally appears as a Halfling of some stage of youth with a precocious bearing, and seeing her is an omen of good luck, often paired with impending disaster. She chooses to dress with contemporary clothing and can easily be mistaken for a local youth when she does appear, though she always bears some identifying mark that a worshiper would recognize (often in the form of a tattoo of her holy symbol) and usually carries a sling, a dagger, and a lucky golden coin, though her younger appearances often carry a wooden toy dagger instead of a real one and a slingshot instead of a sling.   To Yeshana, a life without adventure is not living and a day without a new experience is a wasted day. She encourages her devotees to seek out new experiences, and learn by doing and seeing. In a dangerous world, this results in her followers often living fulfilling, yet short lives, with those who survive often becoming followers of Anyalan in adulthood.   Many stories featuring Yeshana involve her disobeying or rebelling against her mother, getting herself into trouble, fixing said trouble, learning something in the process, asking Anyalan for forgiveness and it being granted. She also helps Anyalan a great deal as well, and the two work together against threats to their Halfling charges.

Divine Domains

Youth, Rebellion, Excitement, Mischief, Adventure, Curiosity, Change, Luck, Whimsy.
Divine Classification

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