Anyalan Anamara Character in Atmosel | World Anvil
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Anyalan Anamara

The Mother

Love family above all, for they are your absolute support. Cherish, nurture, and defend them, and you will find yourself rewarded in kind.
Anyalan Anamara, often referred to as the Mother, is a lawful good deity ascendant and half of the Anamara Duumvirate. She is the mother of Yeshana Anamara.   Anamara generally appears as a tall and strong female Halfling of adulthood to early middle age, often with silver streaks in her hair indicating maturity and wisdom. She's usually depicted in robes carrying a basket of fruit, nuts, or grain, or in adorned armor with one hand holding a large shield, ready to defend, and the other hand empty, ready to make peace. She is often depicted as pregnant, and sometimes chooses to appear as a pregnant woman when she appears to mortals.   Anyalan preaches family and community, teaching generations to share their wisdom with youth and youth to respect and learn from their elders. She forbids violence save to defend a community against external attack or to provide meals for a family by hunting wild game, and preaches reconciliation and compromise whenever possible. Worship of Anyalan involves communal feasting at many of her holidays.
Divine Classification

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