Camitus Character in Atmosel | World Anvil
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Camitus is the God of Misfortune and Nalla Tirane's twin brother. When Camitus, God of Misfortune makes an appearance, he usually prefers the form of a precariously-perched man, whose spindly limbs bend unnaturally as though disjointed at the sockets, and whose head flops upside down as though his neck were broken in a grisly way. He wears a vaguely jesterish outfit, with striped sleeves and pantlegs, and oversized, curving shoes perfect for tripping on. On his face is a theatrical tragedy mask. Either way, the frown, like the rest of his head, is "turned upside down", like he actually finds all this tragedy quite funny. He is associated with traps, pits, and lightning bolts.

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