Phymar Organization in Atlian Subcontinent | World Anvil


A human kingom that borders Ulshar to the North West, the XXX Woods to the north, Nahai to the North West, Dresdar to the West, and Phymar to the South. Religion: Lantigean, Obin, Aesis     Leadership: Phymar is ruled by the three heads of the three branches of the Phymaridies familes. The branches are the lines of the three children of Praxidike Phymaridies. The three lines are the Prime, the Fertia, and the terza. The Prime branch is led by Aldo, the Fertia by Enea, and Tezara by Oriana.   Capital: Idenstone   Lands of Phymar:   Barony of Whiddon - Rhys Fraser County of Pevansey - Aminah Gordan Lord Mayor of Afriston - Reeva Woods Lands inside Idenstone: Barony of Northgate - Phymaridies Barony of the Sword- Phymaridies Barony of the righteous successor - Phymaridies Palace of the Chosen - ruled by the three heads of the families and home to the extended Phymaridies family History:   Phymar was established ~300 years ago following the Battle of the Long March. The human army split into three columns, with two arriving and engaging the orcish army. The paladin of Obin, in true Obinite fashion, led a long forced march through the Warg Wood. His troops arrived at the battle at a critical moment surprising the orcs on their flank and giving battle. For his heroism on the field, he and his line were granted the land gained by the battle.   Prime Family Founded by the eldest son of Praxidike Phymaridies, Gianciotto. Since the founding the Prime Branch has always been the most influential with the church. They     Fertia Family Founded by Francesca Pymaridies, daughter and second born of Praxidike. The Fertia always have felt like they have something to prove. They push strongly for matrilinial arrangements and are largely while Phymar has such equal gender equity. The Fertia own many of the farms and bakeries in and around the city.   Tezara Family The Tezara are decendants of Brucelli Phymaridies the younger brother of Praxidike. According to their family, it was Brucelli that slew the orcish general and turning the tide. They believe that they are the true successors to Praxidike because Prax himself was wrongly awarded, the city and titles should have gone to Brucelli. has always been the richest. They run the Idenstone Shipping and Recieving Company and other merchants in the city.I
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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