The order of Frozen Wisdom Ethnicity in Atiz | World Anvil
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The order of Frozen Wisdom

Artist - Nikolay Nikitin -

Attention royal guard:   Decree from God's Emperor Olaf   In recent years zealots have begun springing up like weeds in Ringvolstad. They stand on boxes in markets and on busy corners preaching thier message. They are identified by their robes of blue and white wool. Our sources tell us they call themselves "The Order of Frozen Wisdom" These zealots claim our Empire is the reason for all the ills in the world, because in the name of progress we have strayed away from the will of the gods, and we must give it all back if we are to ever be free. These zealots are a nuisance but at this time, they are to be left alone. If they should start to disappear, the people may believe in their message. Keep an eye on them, but leave them alone.   -The God's Emperor Olaf
    The Order of Frozen Wisdom, believe that the humans were created by the gods from the ice in the north of the islands of Skandia. Their people were made in the image of their gods and it was this kingdom they were meant to rule from. The fighting amongst the clans of Skandia was an affront to these gods, for they are the chosen people. They believe their people are doomed so long as they are away from their homelands.  

Major Tenets of The Order of Frozen Wisdom

  1. The gods created humans in their image. In the northern Fjordlands of Skandia, the gods descended on a falling star and added their essence to the ice. The first humans were born in this ice and released into the world when the gods melted the ice. The first humans stood in their presence and the gods gave them the rules for their existence.   2. Skandia was raised by the gods as the home for the humans and they were told not to leave these lands, and honor no gods above them.   3. Leaving Skandia for Valsgard was the worst mistake that humans have made.   4. The Emperor and the royal bloodline are the true evil force in this world, and they are forever tainted, with no chance for redemption.   5. The supporters of the emperor (the Emperor's Dogs) are more terrifying than the royal bloodline, because they willingly fight for a system that is leading to their peoples destruction, because they believe someday they will be benefited by it. They will sacrifice their brothers, sisters, friends and enemies equally just for a little praise by the royal bloodline. They are not to be trusted at all.   6. The evils of this world are a direct result of offending the gods by going against their will and leaving Skandia. All the suffering the Valsgardi people endure are a solely due to the wickedness of the Royal Bloodline, and the actions of the Emperor and his dogs.   7. The Emperor has positioned himself on the same level as the gods, by declaring himself the "God's Emperor". This action has offended the gods and further provokes their wrath.   8. Redemption is possible. The first step is to reject the wickedness of the empire. The second step is to return to the land the gods created for their people, Skandia.

  Goals of the Order of Frozen Wisdom

On the surface, they seem to be zealots who fear progress, preferring a simple life of meager means. However their true message is only known by the devotees of their order, The Acolytes.   1. Educate the ignorant to their position in the eyes of the gods.   2. Convert the masses to the Order   3. Organize the masses into a cohesive force.   4. Rebel against the Empire   5. Overthrow the Emperor, the Bloodline, and the Emperor's Dogs.   6. Return to their promised land, Skandia.   7. Return their people to their rightful place under the protection of the gods.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aela Astyr Ayra Bru Bilda Bruna Daera Dyere Gyda Gruna Helge Hyda Kyla Kaede Lyra Laena Myena Myra Naere Nyla Olge Oda Ryna Ryda Saere Saene Syra Taene Telane Tyra

Masculine names

Alf Ayn Ayr Beld Bersi Daeren Dyr Elg Elm Erst Flodi Flys Gers Grun Hyd Laert Laef Lyr Matae Myr Naer Nyls Nym Raele Ryn Styn Styr

Family names

Acolytes of the Order of Frozen Wisdom take ceremonial names only used by fellow members of the Order. Names stem from Ancient Skandi naming traditions. With Brother or Sister as a prefix. Example Brother Tyr Sister Gyda


Common Dress code

Woolen robes of blue and white. Simple leather sandals/shoes

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Interested listeners of the word may attend a meeting if they are able to follow the clues and discover the location of the metting. In order to enter the meeting the newcomers must declare loyalty and devotion to the gods.   They kneel as a citizen, they rise as an acolyte.

Historical figures

Brother Styr, the founder of the Order of the Frozen Wisdom.


Beauty Ideals

Acolytes and Priests of the Order of Frozen Wisdom, do not believe in modern garnishments. They see the modernization of the Valsgardi Empire as the root of the slow demise of thier people. They wear simple clothing in the colors of the frozen north of the Valsgardi ancestral homeland, Skandia.

Gender Ideals

Men and woman are seen as equals.

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Jul 10, 2020 00:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like how you've listed their tenets and goals. It really gives a sense of what exactly their purpose is and who they are. They even sound a little frightening!

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet