The Motivation Behind Building Athea | World-building Q&A in Athea Discussion Boards | World Anvil
Thu, Oct 21st 2021 07:13

The Motivation Behind Building Athea

Athea is meant to be a living interactive world for anyone who appreciates classic world folklore, classic styles of fantasy, and multifaceted styles of storytelling. It is meant to encapsulate the old myths, legends, and tales of pre-Industrial age Earth and retelling them through the interactive fiction of gaming, art, music, poetry and writing.   For me, I have been traveling through Athea for years, and I have written a lot of fiction set in Lough Province. So, as a writer, I decided to actually build out the world to help with my writing projects. But I also want to share it with people who might enjoy it. But, how to do that? Rather than beat myself senseless upon the traditional publishing wall, I decided to immerse myself in like-minded communities where people can experience my project and decide for themselves.   Well, as an old timer gaming nerd, I knew I could easily transform Athea lore to a gaming system and run campaigns. But not just any campaigns, those have been done and redone. But a unique role playing experience using modern technology to engage an interactive audience. The difference between world-building on World Anvil versus doing it on my word processor is astronomical. I love WA! But also, as the TTRPG landscape shifts from tiny little comic book shops or going to someone's house, to doing it online from the comfort of home, I see the value that VTT's can offer to interactive storytelling.   I am merely in the early phases of the Athea project and welcome any constructive comments or suggestions regarding what type of experience an audience would enjoy in a classic fantasy setting. There is surely more to come but right now it is still a little bare bones for the gaming facet, though we are having a great time. And as soon as I get more of my notes here on WA, I will begin publishing some of my stories. I am currently working with one of my biggest fans on an ambient music project and will be looking to acquire digital art for this site as well.   Thank you all for visiting my mind! Hopefully your time here fulfills your inner nerd! Huzzah!