Ice Flats Geographic Location in Athanya | World Anvil
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Ice Flats

Written by orphidor

This shockingly cold environment found only within the Lower Realm is only made brighter by the reflective ice coating almost every surface.


This environment is flat on the surface (aside from the occasional dune or outcropping,) but it's riddled with holes and crevasses in the ice beneath the superficial layer of snow. These crevasses are extremely dangerous because they are very difficult to spot until a creature is right on top of one. Falling in can often be lethal because of their depth, sheer sides, and sharp edges. The crevasses are one of few areas of sheltering darkness in the permanently-bright Lower Realm, but that darkness can be terrifying for someone who's fallen dozens of feet below the surface with no way to escape.

Fauna & Flora

The Nalkarn (particularly those of the Arctic variety are the only intelligent race who can survive here for long, though this location is also inhabited by large, hairy beasts who feed on each other and the scrubby plants that can grow amidst the snowbanks.
Desert, Ice
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