Almega Sector Geographic Location in Asyur | World Anvil

Almega Sector

OI-552 Star System

Star Stats
Primary Star name: Pe'rin (OI-A)
Star type: F-Type Main Sequence (White)
Age: 1.21 billion years old
Mass: 1.6 Solar masses (Sun = 1 Solar mass)
Radius: 1.4 x Sun's radius
Secondary Star Name: Emid (OI-B)
Star type: G-Type Main Sequence (Yellow-White)
Age: 2.12 billion years old
Mass: 1.3 Solar masses (Sun = 1 Solar mass)
Radius: 1.1 x Sun's radius
Pe'rin & Emid Habitable Zone
(The area where planets are neither too hot or too cold for liquid water to be present on the surface) Inner Edge: 1.59 AU
Outer Edge: 2.18 AU
Width: 0.59 AU
Planet Distance from Pe'rin in AU
BOLD planets are within the Habitable Zone. Red planets are inside the inner edge and may be molten or simply too hot for liquid water to exist, while Blue planets are outside the outer edge may be frozen or too cold.)
Total Planets: 4
For reference, Earth is 1.0 AU
Kyner - (0.68 AU)
Átomo - (1.64 AU)
Thandsio-p - (2.26 AU)
Itardong - (7.76 AU)
Other Objects:
Proto Planets: 4 | Significant Asteroids: 37 | Significant Comets: 6
System Facts:
The closest neighbouring star is 6 light years away. Pe'rin is very active and often ejects solar flares.
Kyner Rocky Planet Kyner has a tidally locked moon. Átomo Large Rocky Planet Rerini has an eccentric orbit. Thandsio-p Gas giant Thandsio-p has a very eccentric orbit. Itardong Ice Giant Itardong regularly flies through an asteroid field.

The Sigma Star System

Star Stats
Star Name: Solis
Star Type: M-Type Main Sequence (Orange-Red)
Age: 8.66 billion years old
Mass: 1.4 Solar masses (Sun = 1 Solar mass)
Radius: 1.0 x Sun's radius
Solis' Habitable Zone
(The area where planets are neither too hot or too cold for liquid water to be present on the surface)
Inner Edge: 0.38 AU
Outer Edge: 0.62 AU
Width: 0.24 AU
Planet Distance from Solis in AU
BOLD planets are within the Habitable Zone. Red planets are inside the inner edge and may be molten or simply too hot for liquid water to exist, while Blue planets are outside the outer edge may be frozen or too cold.)
Total Planets: 10
For reference, Earth is 1.0 AU
Accuter - (0.24 AU)
Pamienope - (0.33 AU)
Tacitus - (0.41 AU)
Asyur - (0.55 AU)
Caccioppoli - (0.68 AU)
Enkilia - (3.11 AU)
Liu - (5.6 AU)
Greyanides - (6.33 AU)
Kopra - (9.49 AU)
Lapus - (12.32 AU)
Other Objects:
Proto Planets: 16 | Significant Asteroids: 70 | Significant Comets: 16
System Facts:
The closest neighbouring star is 2 light years away. The Sigma system is close to the galactic center.
Dwarf Planet
Accuter has an axial tilt of 255°.
Gas Giant
Caccioppoli has a large ring.
Ice Giant
Liu has a tidally locked moon.
Gas Giant
Kopra has an eccentric orbit.
Water World
Lapus has a very slow rotational speed.
Galactic Sector
Location under
Inhabiting Species


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