A Dog With Two Bones Prose in Asyur | World Anvil

A Dog With Two Bones

A dog, to whom a butcher had thrown a bone, was hurrying home with his prize as fast as he could go. As he entered a narrow ally, he happened to pass by another butcher, who had thrown out another marrow bone. The greedy dog, dropped his bone and picked up the second, thinking it to be larger than the first. Stopping, he saw the first bone he had just dropped. Sniffing it, he dropped the second bone, and picked back up the first, walking in a circle around the now dropped second bone.   This continued on for hours, as the second butcher watched, he thought what a lucky dog with two bones.   But if either had stopped to think, they would have known better. But instead of thinking the dog drops the first bone yet again, and picks up the second, unable to decide what to do with his new found freedom of choice.   It is very foolish to be greedy.

This poem in inspired twofold by real life. First, is the poem by Aesop, titled "The Dog and His Reflection". The second inspiration is the DEVO song "Freedom of Choice", where a poem based of Aesop's fable is mentioned. In the song the dog, played hilariously by Mark Mothersbaugh, co-founder of DEVO,  is unable to decide between one of two bones while the band sings the lyric "Freedom of choice, Is what you got, Freedom from choice, Is what you want".


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