Farpoint Valley Geographic Location in Astur | World Anvil
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Farpoint Valley

A valley whose name is a relic from a bygone era.  At one point, this valley represented the farthest extent of the Asturian Empire, and thus was named , "Farpoint."  Not the most imaginative name and once the next surge of expansion hit, the name became redundant, but surprisingly enduring.  Now, this valley is home to primarily two warring nations whose constant conflicts have rendered some parts of the valley uninhabitable.


This expansive valley has a variety of terrain.  The east and west extremes are characterized by two mountain ranges with sloping and rolling hills that a eventually give way to the interior.  The middle sections of the valley are relatively flat bottomlands that flank a winding river.  The river floods regularly every year, yielding fertile farmlands that Rilara and Urellia fight over frequently.  The northern and southern ends of the valley are breaks in the mountain ranges and represent the easiest points of entry and exit to the area.  Since neither Urellia nor Rilara can control the gaps, they are frequently used all manner of traveler, trader, and potential invader.


The climate is temperate, and since the mountain ranges provide cover, the valley serves as a heat sink that provides slightly warmer temperatures than would normally be found this deep in the middle of the continent.   There is light forest around the mountain, but logging and construction has stripped much of the interior of its trees.  Thus, the local animal life sticks to the gaps and the lower and upper reaches of the mountain ranges.  There are also unconfirmed reports that cave networks in the western and eastern mountains have links to the underdark.  While these are rumors, there are numerous reports of miners and spelunkers going missing.    Many adventurers also venture into the mountains in search of elusive gemstone dragons, whose treasure hoards are legendary.

Ecosystem Cycles

The temperate climate allows for all four seasons, and there are some who claim that depending on the time of year, all four seasons can be experienced within a matter of days.  The mountains also shield the valley from the most storms and extreme forms of weather except from the most persistent forms of cyclones.  Due to the gentle nature of the weather and the relatively easy north to south passage, animals migrate through the interior at various points throughout the year.  A local druid circle has recently taken to safeguarding these animal migrations from all sorts of dangers: wyverns, harpies, poachers, and ducal and royal foragers.

Localized Phenomena

Legend has that this valley was created when the twin titans of Ombra and Lumina pulled apart the mountains so that they could each claim part of the mountains. The Luminaran Bluffs are on the western mountains ranges, and in the depths of winter, sometimes an aurora appears. Conversely, the Ombra cavers are located in the western mountain range, and they are a vast gemstone vein in the upper peaks. When one ventures in with any type of light source, it is immediately snuffed out and the traveler is plunged in darkness with only the faint glow of gems in the distance.  Moreover, if one takes one of the gems from the mine, you are cursed in some fashion by the titan of darkness, himself.


The climate is temperate and fair, and the mountains shelter the valley from many of the stroms that plague the western plains.  The winters can be pretty mild, but the summers cause the valley to bake because of trapped heat and humidity.

Fauna & Flora

Strange plants and animals live in the mountains while more common and benign creatures roam the valleys.  Due to the connections with the titanic holy sites, odd sprites, strange shades, and mist born predators inhabit these areas.  Deep in the caverns, otherworldly creatures of an indescribable nature are rumored to live and prey on the unwary.  Wyverns haven taken to roosting in the southern peaks since the migratory animals provide a plentiful source of food.

Natural Resources

The floodplain offers some of the most fertile land in the region, and the river is gentle and easy to navigate.  The mountains have various mineral deposits for extraction, and, if one is adventurous, one can dig in the Ombra gemstone fields.


This valley once served as the eastern bulwark for the old empire.  The Asturias fortified the mountain passes and posted garrisons at the northern and southern gaps to protect their investment from invaders.  Thus, a seemingly insignificant valley became a central point for the eastern legions.  Thus, the valley is littered with ruins and old fortresses from mountain to vale.  The Rilaran have even restored some of the old forts and used them to protect their borders.  The history of the past few centuries have been characterized by a continuously shifting border between the Grand Duchy and the Kingdom.  The northern gap has even been settled partially by some of the nomad clans from the Veldt.


Despite the conflict in the valley, travelers and traders make their way through the valley.  The Brewer's Guild out of Outlook even sponsors caravan routes through the valley as they appear to be doing great business.  The settlements bordering the allied are the Brewer's best customers.  Other trading organizations also trade through here, but none are as prolific.  There aren't many tourists to speak of, but the growing cults of Lumina and Ombra host holy events up in the mountains.  The Rilarans begrudgingly allow the adherents to do this since the travelers bring in a lot of gold, but the strange events surrounding the cults activities have given the reigning Duke and his advisors pause.
Alternative Name(s)
The Tieran Vale
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