Temple of Tor'khan Building / Landmark in Astraeus Zephyrus | World Anvil

Temple of Tor'khan

"Coming through! Multiple bolt wounds! Get the elevator ready!" a Bitis Sseth'kal looked to its other medical staff after he barked, "Second Floor?"
"Second Floor!" The Sseth'kal nodded in aggrement as she made her way to the large stone elevator, passing the vines and detailed carvings of Tor'khan's journey to create the world they stood on.
"What're you thinking, Cal-Trin?" The masculine Bitis spoke as it looked at the wounded Horridus Sseth'kal on the plant-matter stretcher, blood spilled over its desert attire. The thick Venomous veins showing why they were nicknamed the Cracked Clutch.
"Nothing Sin-Rah, just piecing the events of why this one was even targeted to begin with." Cal-Trin turned to his other head and they were in deep through with each other.
"Try not to worry about it too much. The desert-bloods are something I wouldn't worry about anyway, their always dying somehow someway. Especially with the Badlands' prison base out there." Sin-Rah saw the opening of the elevator arrive and both Sseth'kal pushed through the staff, shouting the situation they have and pushed to the medical room.
— Trained Bitis Sseth'kal with an injured Horridus.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the Temple of Tor'khan is used for mostly one reson and one reson only, to heal the wounded and cure the sick.
  The most prioritized purpose of the temple is healing the other Sseth'kal of their wounds and experimenting with the other medical recipes they make. As well as teaching the young Sseth'kal from all the clutches, except for the Leviathan Clutch, the ways of healing.
Some even show the clutches the ways of using the Nature Venomous Sorccery, while others merely show them how to make herbal potions and remedies.   The Bitis Sseth'kal are the only Clutch that keep the Temple of Tor'khan functional, with occasional help from the other Clutches that wanted to study medicine whether than what their Clutch teaches.


The building itself is a gargantuan hollow tree in the center of the Grove. It has four entrances, each made of vines and plant-matter.  

Inside The Tree

Underneath the ground floor of the Temple is where the Leviathan Clutch receive their medical attention as it leads to an underground cavern where the Midnight Pools come to. This level of the floor is not connected with the elevator, as compensation a stone stairwell has been made for the elevator loss.
The cavern is lit with torches and a large icy water hole where the Leviathan Clutch surfaces for any wounds that need treating. While this is a rare occurrence because of the Cluthes' tensions with them, they still get treated because the Bitis see that they are a Sseth'kal that need medical attention too.   The ground floor is where the waiting room and the first hundred patient rooms are. In the side of the bark-wall is an staff only elevator, where the elevator Sseth'kal that control it using their Air Venomous Sorccery shift the wooden slab up and down. This is also the floor of the Bitis Sseth'kal.   On the second floor is where the Berus Sseth'kal stay. This floor is covered with the mountainous terrain so it reminds them of the Cragstone Peaks, so they feel more comfortable with their stay. This floor is also where the tools the medical staff uses for any surgery or medical procedure.   On the third floor is where the patients of the Horridus are kept. The sand on the floor and the firey lantern light that hangs above is a attempt to mimic the Badlands for the Horridus. Nothing important for the staff is on this level.   The fourth floor is where the Scale Cloaks are kept, this floor and walls are decorated in Gold and Violet, the colors Scaled Queen's Empire, with beautiful portraits of the noble Scale Cloak families. This floor is the most elegant of the floors in the Temple of Tor'khan.   At the top of the Temple where the leaves are the thickest is where the Quetzl Sseth'kal come down from the Highfeather Citadel to receive medical attention as well as give the alchemical potions that have been concocted in the Citadel to the Bitis Sseth'kal. In turn the Bitis provide medical attention as well as offer the Quetzl Sseth'kal any ingrediants they require.


What have I seen of touring for the Temple. Well not a lot, only Sseth'kal I see enter the Temple are injured or worried folks. Pretty strange actually, you'd think the Temple would have more being a Temple, but instead the exact opposite. The Bitis keep the common folk out, say, "It's still a Temple." But I say bull to it, it's nothing but a bunch of leaf-junky conspiracies.
— A Elder Scale Cloak Sseth'kal being interviewed about the Temple
Alternative Names
Tor'khan's Grave
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location


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