Ilenic Language in Astra Planeta | World Anvil
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Astra Planeta has been nominated for four categories in the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards!

The final-round nominees for the Worldbuilding Awards have been announced! Among those nominations are no less than four articles from Astra Planeta:

Wondrous Nature Award: Earth
Strength & Honour Award: Ares Program
Pillars of Progress Award: Warp Drive
Best Article: Alone Together

I am incredibly humbled to be nominated alongside these other amazing worldbuilders and their stunning work in the first place. VOTING HAS ENDED! Thanks to everyone who voted; tune in to the awards ceremony on May 18th to find out whether any of these articles won!


Ilenic is the common tongue of the rimor species, specifically spoken by those hailing from within and around RCC space. It is a fairly simple language in the verbal sense, supplemented significantly by somatic communication and context; thus, it is challenging for other species to properly replicate it.

Structure & Composition


Ilenic language uses a loose VSO structure, with the subject suffixed to the verb. Adjectives and adverbs are suffixed to their noun or verb by hyphen, which can occasionally create extremely long words. When a verb is treated as a noun, it takes its unconjugated form, usually acquiring a vowel-R ending.


Ilenic uses a set of suffixes and prefixes to signify certain additive aspects of nouns and verbs, such as plurality and tense. The only verb that does not follow the tense prefix rule is ish (to be), where the tense suffix is an entirely separate word placed immediately after the verb-subject compound.
  • shi- denotes plurality
  • pas- denotes past tense
  • fal- denotes future tense
  • ekh’- denotes possession when applied to the subject
  • ikh’- denotes possession when applied to the object


Ilenic's vocabulary is not nearly as diverse as other languages, mostly deriving specific meaning from context and somatics.


Ilenic has four pronouns: self, direct other, personal, and impersonal. It does not have separate pronouns for the singular and plural forms, nor is the plural prefix applied –pronoun plurality is reliant on context.
  • Rem = self
  • Mer = you
  • Ey = personal pronoun
  • Et = impersonal pronoun

Essential Vocabulary

These are the most basic, vital words of ilenic that are able to convey universal meanings; things like affirmative, negative, greeting, and query.
  • Avan = hello
  • Duuyel = goodbye
  • Vei = yes
  • Duu = no
  • Esh? = general query (what/who/why/how/which)


11 Words.
Rimor (origin)
Writing system
Ilenic Uekat

Phonetic Alphabet

The Ilenic Uekat is composed of 24 symbols, each representing a phoneme. The phonemes and their corresponding letters are:


  1. Ih - "short" I
  2. Eh - "short" E
  3. Ah - "short" A
  4. Oh - "short" O
  5. Uh - "short" U
  6. Aiy - “long” I
  7. Lar - L
  8. Ras - R
  9. Hcss - H
  10. Ss - S
  11. Shol - Sh
  12. Fas - F
  13. Thuul - Th
  14. Tabet - T
  15. Pakit - P
  16. Dagoz - D
  17. Beshut - B
  18. Kapet - K
  19. Geshut - G
  20. Djir - Djy
  21. Vas - V
  22. Zol - Z
  23. Niz - N
  24. Mez - M

Latinization Notes

An important convention to keep in mind when reading or writing ilenic with the Latin alphabet of humans is that "long" vowel sounds are universally represented by double "short" vowels.
  • ii = "ee" (as in "feet")
  • aa = "ae" (as in "day")
  • oo = "oe" (as in "doe")
  • uu = "oo" (as in "tube")


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