Horizon in Astra Planeta | World Anvil
Astra Planeta is currently undergoing major revisions, and some parts of this encyclopedia contain information that is inaccurate with respect to current canon. Your patience and readership is appreciated!
Astra Planeta has been nominated for four categories in the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards!

The final-round nominees for the Worldbuilding Awards have been announced! Among those nominations are no less than four articles from Astra Planeta:

Wondrous Nature Award: Earth
Strength & Honour Award: Ares Program
Pillars of Progress Award: Warp Drive
Best Article: Alone Together

I am incredibly humbled to be nominated alongside these other amazing worldbuilders and their stunning work in the first place. VOTING HAS ENDED! Thanks to everyone who voted; tune in to the awards ceremony on May 18th to find out whether any of these articles won!


Horizon was a science fiction webcomic set on the planet Hemera in the year 12344 UME (2344 CE). The existing pages follow the actions of a green, somewhat humanoid alien named Nine as they attempt to pass time in their room. Horizon was a heavily reader-influenced story, with reader suggestions being summarily canonized at the points where they make the most sense. However, it is important to note that Horizon was and is noncanonical, as it was made rather early on in the development of Astra Planeta's current incarnation.

Plot Summary

The story opens by introducing the protagonist, an alien called Nine, in their room. It is explained that they are “stuck” in their room (in reference to the common opening scenarios of most MSPA fan-made adventure comics), and must come up with ways to pass the time.
After several reader-suggested activities, a parrot flies through the wall of the room and up through the ceiling, prompting Nine to contact Gammon, one of the maintenance crew (and Nine’s “only friend.”) After a brief exchange regarding the absurdity of the incident, Nine asks Gammon to escort them to the surface. Gammon reminds Nine that they must secure permission from Nine’s project head, Dr. Thorne, in order to go to the surface.
Starmap holo
An example of Horizon's artistic elements. Nine activates a holographic star map.
Nine contacts Dr. Thorne, who reluctantly agrees to let them go to the surface. Nine happily informs Gammon that Thorne gave the OK, and Gammon explains that he will pick up Nine in several hours. With this exchange completed, Nine returns to various reader-suggested activities, including reading about previous incidents and their homeworld.

Project Information

MSPA-style interactive webcomic
Publication date


Three individuals try to understand the nature and purpose of a large, powerful, and vaguely unethical superscience organization.
You can read it here.


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