Frontieria - Part 4 Prose in Astra Planeta | World Anvil
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Frontieria - Part 4

"Little rough out here," Wings said over the comms once the others had undocked. "I've plotted a least resistance path for you, should be highlighted on your readouts. I'm nearly at their ship. Have you hailed them?" she asked. Though she figured Ness would be quite annoyed with her premature launch, it would be easier for her to find a good path for the others alone without the grumbling due to the bumpy ride.   "We have the vector," Ness confirmed over the comms. "They know we're coming, now. You should have waited."   "Ehhh, no big deal, right?" Wings absently twirled a stray lock of her dyed blue hair and chuckled nervously, hoping it really wasn’t a big deal. No big deal had been her parents’ reply to her confession that their son preferred the name Audra and feminine pronouns, but she could tell it was a big deal to them anyways.   She shook herself out of her wandering train of thought. "I'm gonna go in to dock. They're right in the thick of it. Switch to IR, still a little hard to see, but it's better than nothing." She circled the ailing craft, searching for their dock.   The shuttle's short-range comm system suddenly hissed with a flush of static. Someone else was trying to connect.   "Hello?" Wings tried to find the signal again. "This is Navigations Officer Audra Fletcher of the UNSS Asteria. I'm about to dock with your ship. Another shuttle is on its way. Please prepare to be boarded."   As she scanned the local frequencies, Wings briefly heard some chatter when she skipped across a normally unused channel. Flicking back momentarily, she listened for a long few seconds.  
.̶̨͟.̢͞.͢ĘV̕À͏K̀T̸̛I̴͞ ͢N̶͜͝A̡͘͠ ̢͝K҉Ą͢͠OL҉̛L̷̡O̷,̕͜ N̵A̢ ̴U̸̷͟A͘͠X̸̨́O̶̵ ͘M͞'̡́͘G̨̕͝Y̷̵TI̕.̵̴̡ ̢͜͢S̵͜HE̴K̴͞O͟ ́͜͝M͠'̨Q́͡ÉL ͏E͘V̴͘.҉͟.̨́.͜
  Then the signal faded.   That was not a known language.   Wings thumbed the radio as she dove the shuttle towards the derelict's starboard side. "Say... Surr, can you translate this?" she asked as she sent over the audio file. "Found this on channel 33.709. Not a very active channel, but… someone just sought me out. Sounds sketchy to me, but I'm no linguist."   The comms officer chittered with concern. "Vvvmm... this doesn't sound like anything I've ever encountered. Well, almost. I'm not sure, but I think..." There was a high, cricketlike chirp of alarm as Kirrt realized something. "Oh my. At least one of these conjugation forms seems Panese in nature, which is impossible because the skgri'i have been extinct for millennia. There are also some phonetic sounds similar to the Xib Zjhar language, but those seem coincidental. Dear me, this is a puzzle. I may need CHARLES' help."   "Oh, I think I've seen this before," Chuck chimed in. "It's a fragmentary language sometimes found with skgri'i digital text. This says, uhh... something “foreign” something. Foreign... computer? uhh... well, the word after that is a specific type of death verb, maybe ‘eviscerated’? “Foreign computer eviscerated?” Shit, that’s brutal. …“twin,” uh... okay, that word is straight-up ‘killed’. Fuck, I'm not sure I like the sound of this."   "Oh," muttered Wings. "That doesn't sound good at all. Well, I guess we'll just have to wait to try and figure it out; right now we have people to rescue. I'm coming in to dock," she said as she drew closer to the ship. The storm was getting far rougher, and she wanted to get out of there. Fast.


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