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Chevaléon (SHEH'vah'ley'on)

  Looking like a terrifying mix between a large wolf, a bear, and a maned lion, the chevaléon is a large, powerful carnivorous creature found near the end of The Northbresur Mountains the southern end of Palestone, as well as throughout The Westplains. While they do not actively seek to hunt Men or other higher races, they can easily overpower a lone wandered in their territory, and even are know to lay low entire hunting parties. They are considered powerful and noble creatures, especially in the kingdom of Milupays.  

Milupays and the Chevaléon

According to legends, the founding family of the kingdom of Milupays rode on the backs of chevaléon, as well as fought along side a great number of them that they used to win the breadth of their kingdom. For this reason, the chevaléon holds a distinct and important place in their culture, often depicted in artwork, sculpture, and song. Not only that, it also features prominently on the royal crest of Milupays, beside the royal crown. Knights serving in Milupays are often also referred to as Chevaliers in honor of the creatures. The ruling nobility also keep the only known line to be both trained and domesticated, even giving out cubs as an award to figures who display outstanding courage or bravery against their foes.

Basic Information


The chevaléon is a broad chested, heavily muscled creature with large rounded heads. They are a digitigrade, their limbs are bent in the way of large hunting cats and are made for running great speeds for a distance, with clawed paws on the for and hind legs can be anywhere from two to four inches in length. Both sexes of the species posses a thick prominent mane of hair around their neck, being larger and extending down the chest in most males. they have large triangular ears, tipped with fur like that of a lynx. They have large sharp teeth, most notably large incisors on the top and lower jaws. They are covered with thick fur.

Genetics and Reproduction

Interestingly, both male and female chevaléon have a gestational heat cycle, usually lasting for two to four weeks every four to six months, or once every two seasons. During this time, they will heavily scent mark the boundaries of their claimed territory in an attempt to attract a mate. The virality of the marking can even in some cases bring a perspective target into a corresponding heat, increasing the chance of successful mating. This is the only time when a chevaléon will willingly leave its territory, moving in to hunt for the potential mate. Mating lasts for a few days at the most, afterwards the intruder being allowed to return to their territory unharmed. 
Gestation of the young takes twelve months. The young, referred to as cubs, are born live, and usually in pairs. A female will not seek to mate again until her young have nearly reached two years of age.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young cubs remain with their mother for the first two years of their lives, learning how to hunt, and stake territory. Afterwards the mother will begin to force them to become more independent, forcing them to hunt for themselves, set up their own den, and eventually either fight their mother for control of the territory, or leave entirely. While not a fully grown adult at this time, a chevaléon can still be the size of a large dog or even a bear, making it a powerful and dangerous creature. They will continue to grow in size until they reach the age of five, where they achieve adulthood and full adult size.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Chevaléon are primarily carnivorous. The average healthy adult will need to eat about forty pounds of food a day. It will usually hunt anything from small prey animals like rabbits and ground birds, up to deer, sheep, cattle, and even horses. While they usually will hunt every day, if they do manage to take down a funny grown horse or cow, it will remain with the kill for as long as it takes to devour the beast in its entirety. If it is unable to find large game, or enough small game to feed it, chevaléon are known to seek fish along rivers, and in rare occasions settle for berries and other fruited plants (it is worth noting that chevaléon cannot survive on a herbivorous diet alone).

Biological Cycle

The passing of the seasons does not often affect chevaléon, though those that dwell in the most northern regions of The Westplains and the lower parts of Palestone do go into hubernation if they are unable to find enough game during the cold winter months. Those that do undergo hibernation are known to be the most dangerous, often waking with an extreme hunger that can even lead them to hunt within populated areas and even within towns and villages themselves.


Chevaléon are very solitary, keeping to their claimed territory and only ever leaving it due to a low prey population, or being forced out by another chevaléon. Within their territory they usually keep a singular area of rest and retreat, referred to as a den. A grown chevaléon sees everything that walks within its territory as potential prey, including Men and other higher races and will not shy away from hunting unwitting fools that wander to far into their lands unprepared.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Chevaléon can be found thoughout The Westplains, and also found in occasion around the lower levels and roots of The Northbresur Mountains. They can typically be found in deeply wooded areas, or very sparsely populated plains.

Average Intelligence

Chevaléon are quite intelligent creatures. Those that are successfully tamed or raised in captivity are known to be able to follow basic instructions, and recognize friends and allies even in the heat of battle. As a predator, they are known to be extremely difficult to deal with, often subverting most deterrents to other predatory creatures and requiring to be completely put down if it can find an easy food source, such as cattle and horse herds.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Chevaléon are known to see well in the dark, as well as have a strong sense of smell and hearing, allowing them to hunt efficiently in both the day and night.

Chevaléon CR: 6

Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 92 9d10+45
Speed: 30 ft , fly: 0 ft , swim: 0 ft , climb: 30 ft


20 +5


18 +4


14 +2


8 -1


10 +0


5 -3

Skills: Perception +6, Stealth +6
Senses: darkvision out to 60ft., Passive Perception 16
Languages: Can rarely understand, but not speak Common
Challenge Rating: 6

Keen Smell. The chevaléon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Running Leap. With a 10-foot running start, the chevaléon can long jump up to 25 ft.
Pounce. If the chevaléon moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the chevaléon can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.


Multiattack. The chevaléon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
  Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d8 + 5) piercing damage.
  Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d8 + 8) slashing damage.

10 to 20 years.
Conservation Status
While the hunting of a chevaléon is allowed (though greatly discourged) in most places in The Westplains, in the kingdom of Mulipays, the chevaléon holds a special cultural place. Within Milupays the beast can be seen on the coat of arms of the kingdom itself, as well as being held as a symbol of power, nobility, and chivalry. Only those of noble birth, or those serving as chevalier knights are allowed to hunt the beasts, and Milupays also boasts the only known domesticated strain of the creature (though the claims of 'domestication' may be somewhat stretched).
Average Height
Chevaléon's stand on average at five feet at the shoulder, though some have been known to grow even larger.
Average Weight
The average male chevaléon weighs roughly twelve hundred pounds. Females usually weigh slightly less at around six to eight hundred pounds.
Average Length
The average chevaléon is between eight to ten feet in length, depending on if it is male or female.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most chevaléon are a dark brown in coloration, occasionally with striped hides of a deeper brown. In very rare cases, some are found with white or golden colorations.
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 16, 2023 19:37 by Michael Johnson

The Chevaléon sounds like a beautiful yet formidable creature. I certainly wouldn't want to meet up with one. You've provided a good, thorough description of them. I can picture one stalking a deer through a forest. I especially like how you snuck in naming Milupays knights after the Chevaléon with the same word as some French knights as a nice Easter egg.   However, I feel the article could use a good editing pass. One thing threw me more than most. Quadriplegic (under Anatomy) means paralyzed from the neck down. I think you meant digitigrade.   Still, I really like your creation. Keep it going!

February brings the Cabinet of Curiosities 2024! January had my New Year's Resolutions 2024.
Aug 19, 2023 03:04

You are absolutely spot on, thanks for the catch! lol