Planetouched Species in Astoria | World Anvil
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  One of the most rare races on Xorik are the planetouched, which is a catchall term for any person with extraplanar heritage including aasimar, tieflings, and the various elemental genasi. Xorik has an ancient history of extraplanar beings interacting with mortals, particularly during the Origin Wars and Creation Wars. These ancient wars left planar scars or gateways throughout Xorik, which have provided easy access for extraplanar beings traveling to this world. Planetouched often look similar to their mortal race, but with a few touches of strangeness depending on their planar heritage. Aasimar are descended from the coupling of mortals and angels. Tieflings are descended from the coupling of mortals with either demons or devils. Genasi are descended from the coupling of mortals with elemental beings. Planetouched either worship the gods of their mortal race or other gods entirely.

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