The Thunderclap Gauntlets in Astoria | World Anvil

The Thunderclap Gauntlets

The Thunderclap Gauntlets are a pair of enchanted, metallic gauntlets that appear to be forged from storm clouds. When worn, they emit a low, ominous rumble, and lightning-like patterns dance along their surface.   When the wearer of the Thunderclap Gauntlets claps their hands together with purpose, they can summon a deafening thunderclap that shakes the ground and disorients those nearby. This effect can be used for a variety of purposes, such as stunning or distracting foes, creating dramatic entrances, or triggering avalanches.   The Thunderclap Gauntlets might be found as a rare and powerful artifact in the lair of a storm giant, deep within a mountain that resonates with thunder.

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