Halflings Species in Asphodel | World Anvil
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Everyone's jolly friends

Having been born to another world, halflings became unwitting witnesses of its destruction at the climax of the war of human deities and had to flee with the other refugee races. Yet not even that managed to curb their optimistic outlook, their heartiness, and their love of simple hedonism. Born to be among the smallest of humanoid races, the halflings are content to get out of the way of the world’s other movers and shakers, as long as they are left to their way of life and their work. In a sense, they have often seen themselves as sidekicks to the world’s events, and not protagonists. Though, not to say that exceptions don’t exist – they are more of outliers than would be the norm. Some have accused the halflings that their political lethargy was the reason they have lost their world in the first place, by allowing humans to call all the shots, but a typical halfling would simply chuckle to such a statement and respond with cheerful indifference.

by Peter Manson

However, the halflings are an industrious people and place great value in community and ties of family and friendship. Even their way of life usually revolves around communes made up of family circles that band together to live and produce resources that they all live off of. As lovers of all commodities of life, they make great artisans at producing them – from all sorts of food supplies, brew, and beverage, to more exotic examples such as tobacco, pipeweed, and other similar substances.

They value peace and quiet and tend to keep to themselves for the most part. Though not necessarily pacifistic, they are usually anything but belligerent and prefer to settle their conflicts by avoiding violence at any cost. That would make them easy targets for more feral cultures, but they have long learned the value of fostering ties with those that would protect them in exchange for some of the prized halfling produce.

Most halflings prefer to live out in the countryside, tending to farms, fields and forests, and those are generally known as Hobbits. Conversely, some halflings have long ago decided to live their lives in towns and cities and ply their various trades there. Having grown into a culture of their own, they are now known as Stouts by their rural cousins.

Basic Information


Halflings are short and usually stout of frame due to their lifestyles, which often leads them to develop a paunch in their later years. They have rounded shoulders and quick, dexterous hands, and are much nimbler than their build would suggest. Their skin is light-coloured, though often tan, and their hair tends to be in the lighter shades of brown, blond and earthy red.

Growth Rate & Stages

Halflings physically mature at about 20 years of age, however, a halfling's 100th birthday is a momentous occasion in their lives and is considered to mark true maturity.

by Antoine Dupont-Issalys

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Halflings of both genders usually have round or rounded faces, with small button noses. Males are able to grow beards and moustaches but rarely choose to do so, instead preferring sideburns and muttonchops.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though not necessarily a sensory trait, halflings do have a certain extrasensory ability when it comes to changes of weather. As long as they are able to see the sky, they are able to predict changes with almost startling accuracy and are even able to tell the adverse effects of such changes.

by Brian Matyas
Genetic Descendants
Average lifespan among halflings is between 140 and 160 years.
Average Height
Average height among halflings is between 90-120 cm (3'-3'9" ft).
Average Weight
Average weight of typical halflings is between 35-50 kg (75-110 pounds).
Average Physique

Halflings are usually stocky for their size, though normally not outwardly fat. They are far more dexterous than they are strong, and their physiques reflect that.


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Articles under Halflings

Cover image: by Aleksander Karcz


Ability Score Increase +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Size Small
Speed 25 ft


Lucky. When halflings roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, they can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Brave. Halflings have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Halfling Nimbleness. Halflings can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than theirs.
Halfling Intuition. Halflings can tell the oncoming weather changes if they have a clear look at the sky around them, ie. it isn't obstructed by canopies, roofs, etc.
Subraces. Main subraces of halflings include Hobbits and Stouts.


Ability Score Increase. +1 Wisdom.
Hearth and Home. Hobbits gain proficiency with the artisan's tools of their choice: Cook's utensils or Brewer's supplies.


Ability Score Increase. +1 Constitution.
Stout Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.


Languages. Common and Halfling

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