
Basic Information


Species: Flightless bird, slightly hooked bill, similar in pattern to a peacock with long patterned tail feathers in both sexes that can be fanned for intimidation or as a mating display. Feathers (outside of the tail) are usually a block colour with a flourescent ring around the neck. Grey legs.
Height: Around 3 metres, fully grown.
Common colour varieties: Blue, grey, red, green.
Rare colour varieties: White, black, purple, gold.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mates when both sexes kept in the same enclosure - polygynous couples (i.e. one male multiple females) result in clutches of 3-8 large eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Concealed nests on the forest floor when in the wild. Eggs incubated for around two months, chicks will leave the nest and start to follow their mother around 2-3 days after hatching. 9-12 months until chicks reach a stage matured enough to be fully independent, becomes a fully matured adult at around 18 months to 2 years, and begins breeding at around 4 years.   20-30 years maximum lifespan in captivity, depending on level of human care provided. Lifespan in the wild is unconfirmed, but expected to be much shorter.

Ecology and Habitats

Coastal, Forest, Grasslands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Preferred: Fruit (mainly from seasonal trees and shrubs - eats whole fruit, not seeds.)
Accepts: Small vertebrates (fish, frogs, small rodents and birds), invertebrates (snails and large insects), fungi, carrion, smaller bird eggs, and grains.

Biological Cycle

Periodic molting, takes about a year for a full replacement.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Beast of burden
  • Personal transport
  • Egg/meat farming
  • Professional racing
  • Messengers
  • Battle mounts

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic relationship to humanoids - raised mostly as a ranch animal, used as a mount (i.e. anything a horse can do can also be done by a pavo). Protected as a type of livestock from larger natural predators in return for their produce.
Scientific Name
Pavo Praegrandis
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Physique
  • Powerful bite
  • Clawed feet
  • Capable of gliding short distances
Related Ethnicities


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