Sons of Loki Organization in Ashwick Falls, New York | World Anvil
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Sons of Loki

Club Emblem

The emblem of the Sons of Loki features a fierce depiction of the Norse god Loki, wearing a motorcycle helmet, with flames and lightning bolts surrounding him. The club name is emblazoned across the top in bold, Gothic-style letters.  


The Sons of Loki's clubhouse is a converted old factory on the outskirts of Ashwick Falls. It's a rugged and unassuming building from the outside but holds a vibrant atmosphere inside. The walls are adorned with Viking-inspired artwork, motorcycle parts, and flags displaying their emblem.   Exterior: The Sons of Loki clubhouse is located on the outskirts of Ashwick Falls, nestled amidst a small grove of trees. It's an unassuming building that blends in with its surroundings, with weathered brick walls and a slightly rusted metal roof. A sign near the entrance bears the emblem of the club, making it clear to anyone who approaches that they've arrived at the home of the Sons of Loki.   Interior: Upon entering the clubhouse, visitors are greeted by an atmosphere of camaraderie and history. The interior is dimly lit, giving it a mysterious and welcoming ambiance. The main common area is spacious, with a large central bar constructed from repurposed wood and metal, serving as the heart of the clubhouse.   Viking Decor: The club members' love for Norse mythology is evident in the Viking-inspired decor that adorns the walls. Handcrafted shields, swords, and axes hang alongside motorcycle parts, creating a unique fusion of biker culture and ancient Norse aesthetics.   The Mischief Lounge: One corner of the clubhouse is dedicated to what the members affectionately call the "Mischief Lounge." It's a cozy area with plush leather couches and a fireplace. Bookshelves line the walls, filled with volumes on Norse mythology, motorcycle maintenance, and tales of legendary bikers. This lounge is the perfect place for club members to relax, swap stories, and plan their next adventures.   The Thunder Garage: Adjacent to the main common area is the "Thunder Garage." It's a fully-equipped workshop where the members work on their motorcycles and perform maintenance tasks. Tools, spare parts, and oil-stained workbenches create an organized chaos, reflecting the spirit of the club.   Brotherhood Wall: A significant feature of the clubhouse is the "Brotherhood Wall." This is a collection of framed photographs of past and present club members. Each photo represents a unique moment in the club's history, from milestone rides to charity events and memorable gatherings. This wall serves as a constant reminder of the tight bond that unites the Sons of Loki.   Event Space: The clubhouse also boasts an event space that can accommodate larger gatherings. It's used for club meetings, celebrations, and charity events. On such occasions, the club members proudly display their colors and welcome guests from the community, strengthening the club's ties to Ashwick Falls.   Private Chambers: Connected to the main common area are private chambers for club officers and members seeking a moment of solitude. Each room is personalized with the individual's unique possessions, including personal items and memorabilia from their adventures on the road.   Riding Gear Display: One wall of the clubhouse is dedicated to displaying the riding gear and helmets of the club members. It serves as a visual testament to their commitment to the biker lifestyle and their dedication to safety while on the road.  

Club Colors

The official club colors are black, dark green, and gold. Members wear a black leather vest with the emblem on the back, representing their loyalty to the club.  

Origins and Philosophy

The Sons of Loki were founded by a group of motorcycle enthusiasts who shared a passion for Norse mythology and the thrill of the open road. Their belief in embracing life's unpredictability and riding through both calm and stormy times led them to adopt the name "Sons of Loki."   Loki, the Norse god of mischief and chaos, represents the club's outlook on life. They don't conform to society's norms but embrace their own path, making their own rules while maintaining loyalty and brotherhood within the club.   Founding Myth: The Sons of Loki was founded in the late 1970s by a group of motorcycle enthusiasts who felt a deep connection to Norse mythology. The club's origin story is shrouded in mystery and legends, passed down through generations of members. According to one of these tales, the founding members were on a cross-country motorcycle trip when they stumbled upon a remote, abandoned Viking burial site. Inspired by the ancient relics they discovered, they vowed to create a brotherhood that would embody the spirit of the mischievous and unpredictable Norse god, Loki.   Embracing Mischief and Freedom: The club's philosophy centers around embracing life's unpredictability, much like the Norse god Loki, who is known for his penchant for mischief and chaos. For the Sons of Loki, life is an adventure, and they view the open road as a symbol of the freedom to choose their own path and ride through both calm and stormy times.   Rejecting Conformity: The Sons of Loki pride themselves on rejecting societal norms and stereotypes. They are fiercely independent and choose to follow their own code of conduct rather than conforming to mainstream expectations. This nonconformist attitude extends to the way they dress, behave, and interact with the world around them.   Loyalty and Brotherhood: Central to the philosophy of the Sons of Loki is the concept of brotherhood and loyalty. They are bound together by a deep sense of camaraderie and mutual support, considering each member a brother or sister. Trust and respect are paramount within the club, and betraying the trust of a fellow member is considered an unforgivable offense.   Respect for Nature and Tradition: The club members have a profound respect for nature and its beauty. They believe that riding through scenic landscapes connects them to the raw power and majesty of the world around them. Moreover, the Sons of Loki hold the traditions and values of their ancestors in high regard, incorporating elements of Norse mythology into their club culture as a way to pay homage to their roots.   6. Charity and Community Involvement: Despite their rebellious image, the Sons of Loki are not a group of outlaws. They actively engage with the Ashwick Falls community, participating in charity rides, fundraisers, and local events. They see themselves as protectors of their town, always ready to lend a helping hand when needed.   Motorcycle Brotherhood as a Path of Growth: The Sons of Loki view their involvement in the club as a path of personal growth and self-discovery. Riding together and facing challenges as a unified group allows them to develop resilience, empathy, and a deeper understanding of themselves and their fellow members.   Embodying the Spirit of Loki: Above all else, the Sons of Loki strive to embody the essence of Loki, the trickster god who defies expectations and brings about change. They embrace the dual nature of Loki, recognizing that mischief can bring both chaos and positive transformation. The members seek to channel this spirit to create meaningful change in their lives and communities.  


The club is made up of a diverse group of individuals, ranging from seasoned bikers to newcomers seeking a sense of belonging. While the club primarily consists of men, the Sons of Loki welcome female riders and treat them as equals.   Founding Members: The club's founding members are the visionary leaders who established the Sons of Loki. They are the elder statesmen of the club, respected for their wisdom and experience. While they may no longer ride as frequently as they once did, their guidance and presence remain crucial in shaping the club's philosophy and maintaining its traditions.   Officers and Leadership: The club is led by a group of dedicated officers who ensure the smooth functioning of the organization. The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Road Captain are elected positions responsible for decision-making, organizing events, and maintaining club unity. These leaders exemplify the club's values and lead by example.   Full Patch Members: Full Patch Members are the core of the club. These are individuals who have earned their full club patches after completing a period of probation as prospects. They have demonstrated loyalty, dedication, and commitment to the club's values. Full Patch Members participate in club meetings, vote on club matters, and take an active role in club activities.   Prospects: Prospects are individuals who aspire to become Full Patch Members. During their prospect period, they undergo a probationary period during which they learn the club's culture, values, and rules. Prospects must prove themselves through dedication, loyalty, and willingness to contribute to the club. Once they successfully complete this period, they are granted their full club patches.   Female Riders - Valkyries: The Sons of Loki are working towards welcoming female riders into their ranks. The younger members, spearheaded by the Vice President, Mitch Saunders, are pushing for this, but it is creating a division between them and some of the older members. Mitch is pushing hard for Maddie Harper to be the first Valkyrie.   Supporters - Shieldmaidens: The Sons of Loki also have a group of non-riding supporters known as "Shieldmaidens." These are friends, family members, or partners of club members who actively support the club's activities, events, and charitable endeavors. Shieldmaidens play an essential role in creating a tight-knit community around the club.   Ages and Backgrounds: The Sons of Loki have a diverse membership, with members ranging in age from their 20s to their 60s and beyond. They come from varied backgrounds, including veterans, blue-collar workers, artists, professionals, and more. The shared passion for motorcycles, Norse mythology, and the thrill of adventure brings together individuals from different walks of life, creating a harmonious brotherhood.   A Tight-Knit Brotherhood: The bond between the members is characterized by a strong sense of brotherhood, loyalty, and mutual support. They are there for each other in times of need, providing emotional and practical assistance. The club serves as an extended family for its members, offering a support system that goes beyond the shared passion for motorcycles.   Respect and Inclusivity: Respect is a fundamental aspect of the club's culture. Members treat each other with respect and dignity, regardless of rank or position. They value inclusivity, ensuring that everyone's voice is heard and that each member has an opportunity to contribute to the club's decisions.  

Activities and Community

The Sons of Loki are active participants in the local community. They organize charity rides, fundraisers, and events to support various causes in Ashwick Falls and its surrounding areas. Despite their unconventional image, the club members are dedicated to making a positive impact on the community they call home.   Charity Rides and Fundraisers: The Sons of Loki are actively involved in organizing charity rides and fundraisers to support various causes in Ashwick Falls and the surrounding areas. They leverage their passion for riding to raise funds and awareness for local charities, community projects, and individuals in need. These events not only help those in need but also strengthen the club's bonds with the community.   Annual Viking Festival: One of the club's most anticipated events is the annual "Viking Festival." Held in the heart of Ashwick Falls, the festival celebrates the town's Nordic heritage while also showcasing the unique biker culture of the Sons of Loki. The festival features live music, motorcycle exhibitions, Viking-inspired games, and a feast fit for a Viking king. All proceeds from the festival go towards charitable causes and community initiatives.   Local Cleanup Campaigns: The Sons of Loki are committed to preserving the natural beauty of Ashwick Falls and its surroundings. They organize local cleanup campaigns, where club members and community volunteers come together to clean up parks, rivers, and other public spaces. This demonstrates their dedication to protecting the environment and fostering a sense of responsibility towards their town.   Community Events and Parades: Throughout the year, the Sons of Loki actively participate in community events and parades. They ride their motorcycles with pride, donning their club colors, and showcasing their unique blend of Norse mythology and biker culture. Their presence adds a touch of excitement and distinctiveness to the town's celebrations.   Supporting Local Businesses: The club strongly believes in supporting local businesses and artisans. They frequently patronize small businesses in Ashwick Falls, encouraging economic growth and fostering a sense of unity within the community. Many of these businesses proudly display the Sons of Loki emblem, showing their appreciation for the club's patronage.  

Rivalries and Challenges

As with any motorcycle club, the Sons of Loki face their share of challenges and rivalries. A neighboring motorcycle club, the "Wolves of Odin," holds different values and often clashes with the Sons of Loki. These conflicts lead to tensions and occasional turf wars in the region.   Rival Motorcycle Club - The Iron Reapers: The Sons of Loki are not without their fair share of challenges, and their main rivalry comes from a neighboring motorcycle club known as the "Iron Reapers." The Iron Reapers are a tough and ruthless group of bikers who are notorious for their aggressive territorial behavior and criminal activities. Unlike the Sons of Loki, the Iron Reapers have a reputation for operating outside the law, engaging in illegal activities such as drug trafficking and extortion.   Turf Wars and Clashes: The conflict between the Sons of Loki and the Iron Reapers often escalates into turf wars over control of certain territories. Ashwick Falls becomes the battleground for these clashes, leading to tension and occasional violent confrontations between the two clubs. The Sons of Loki fiercely defend their community and the values they stand for, while the Iron Reapers seek to expand their influence and dominance.   Differences in Values: The clash between the two clubs extends beyond territorial disputes. The Sons of Loki value brotherhood, loyalty, and community involvement, while the Iron Reapers prioritize power, money, and intimidation. These conflicting values contribute to the animosity between the two groups.   Public Perception: The rivalry with the Iron Reapers sometimes results in negative public perception of the Sons of Loki, despite their efforts to be a positive force in the community. The media may occasionally portray them as part of the overall problem, leading to challenges in maintaining a positive image among the townspeople.   Legal Scrutiny: Due to the Iron Reapers' illegal activities, law enforcement keeps a close eye on both motorcycle clubs. The Sons of Loki must navigate legal scrutiny and occasional unwarranted suspicion, even though they strive to operate within the bounds of the law.   Protecting the Community: One of the significant challenges faced by the Sons of Loki is the constant need to protect their community from the negative influence of the Iron Reapers. They stand firm in their commitment to keeping Ashwick Falls safe, even if it means facing the wrath of a more formidable opponent.   Staying True to Their Values: As the rivalry intensifies, the Sons of Loki must stay true to their philosophy and code of conduct. The temptation to retaliate with the same aggressive tactics as the Iron Reapers may be present, but they understand that resorting to violence and unlawful behavior goes against their principles.   Forge Alliances: In the face of a formidable foe, the Sons of Loki might find it necessary to forge alliances with other motorcycle clubs that share similar values. They recognize that unity is a powerful tool against common adversaries, and forming strategic partnerships could help tip the balance in their favor.  

Code of Conduct

The Sons of Loki adhere to a strict code of conduct, emphasizing respect, brotherhood, and loyalty. Betrayal of the club or its members is not tolerated, and disputes are often settled through club meetings or duels on the open road.  

Rides and Adventures

The club frequently embarks on adventurous rides through the picturesque landscapes of New York State. These journeys are seen as opportunities to connect with nature, strengthen bonds between members, and find inspiration in the freedom of the road.   Legendary Road Trips: The Sons of Loki are avid adventurers who embark on legendary road trips to explore the vast and diverse landscapes of New York State and beyond. They plan meticulously and choose routes that take them through scenic highways, winding mountain roads, and charming countryside. These road trips often last for several days, allowing them to forge unforgettable memories and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood.   "The Wild Hunt" Annual Ride: One of the club's most celebrated events is the annual ride known as "The Wild Hunt." Inspired by the mythological Wild Hunt, the Sons of Loki don their riding gear and take to the roads en masse. This spectacular ride involves bikers from other motorcycle clubs and individuals from the community who share their passion for riding. "The Wild Hunt" serves as a display of unity and camaraderie among bikers and symbolizes the shared thrill of the open road.   Camping Adventures: In addition to their long-distance road trips, the Sons of Loki organize camping adventures in the great outdoors. They seek out picturesque camping spots near lakes, rivers, or mountains. Gathered around campfires, they share stories, play music, and enjoy the serenity of nature, reinforcing their connection to the earth and each other.   Historical Pilgrimages: Being enthusiasts of Norse mythology, the club members occasionally plan historical pilgrimages to sites of cultural or historical significance. These may include visiting museums with Viking exhibits, exploring archeological sites, or attending events that celebrate Norse heritage. Such trips deepen their appreciation for their roots and provide insights into the ancient world that inspires their club's identity.   Community Benefit Rides: In addition to their charity rides, the Sons of Loki conduct community benefit rides where they join forces with local businesses and organizations to raise funds and awareness for specific causes. These rides often have a festive atmosphere, with participants from all walks of life coming together to support a common goal.   Mystery Rides: To keep the spirit of mischief alive, the Sons of Loki occasionally organize "Mystery Rides." The destination and route are kept secret until the last moment, adding an element of surprise and adventure. This fosters a sense of excitement among the members and encourages them to embrace the unknown.   Seasonal Celebrations: The club celebrates the changing seasons with themed rides and gatherings. Whether it's a spring awakening ride, a summer solstice celebration, an autumn foliage tour, or a winter wonderland expedition, they find ways to infuse each ride with the spirit of the season.   Destination Rallies: The Sons of Loki often participate in motorcycle rallies in various locations. These events draw bikers from far and wide, providing an opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts, share stories, and immerse themselves in the vibrant motorcycle culture.


Lucas Rogers - President

Lucas Rogers is one of the founding members of the Sons of Loki and serves as the club's President. With a commanding presence and a wealth of experience, Lucas is a natural leader and a guiding force within the club. He is known for his level-headedness, strong moral compass, and commitment to the club's values.   Lucas is a seasoned biker who has been riding since his youth. He is skilled in motorcycle mechanics and often mentors younger members on bike maintenance and safety. As President, he ensures that club decisions align with the club's philosophy and oversees the club's operations.   Beyond his love for motorcycles, Lucas is deeply passionate about Norse mythology and history. He often shares fascinating stories from Norse sagas during club gatherings, emphasizing the significance of the club's namesake, Loki.  

Mitch Saunders - Vice President

Mitch Saunders holds the position of Vice President within the Sons of Loki. As the right-hand man to Lucas, he is responsible for supporting the President's decisions and stepping in when needed. Mitch is known for his strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the club's brotherhood.   An outgoing and charismatic individual, Mitch is the heart of the club's social scene. He has a talent for bringing people together, fostering a sense of unity among the members and forging connections with other motorcycle clubs in the area.   Mitch is a skilled rider and enjoys organizing group rides and events. He often comes up with innovative ideas for charity rides and fundraisers, ensuring that the Sons of Loki make a positive impact on the community.  

Aaron Smith - Road Captain

Aaron is the Road Captain of the Sons of Loki, responsible for leading the club on rides and ensuring their safety on the road. He is a highly experienced rider with an adventurous spirit, always seeking new routes and challenges for the club.   As Road Captain, Aaron meticulously plans and coordinates rides, taking into consideration the preferences and abilities of all members. He is calm under pressure and knows how to handle various road conditions, making him a trusted leader during their journeys.   Aaron's passion for motorcycles extends beyond the club, as he is a motorcycle safety instructor, advocating for responsible riding practices and teaching others to ride safely.  

Secretary - Jessie Anderson

Jessie Anderson serves as the Secretary of the Sons of Loki. A highly organized and detail-oriented individual, he plays a vital role in maintaining club records, minutes of meetings, and handling club communications.   Jessie is a dedicated member and a valuable asset to the club's administration. His efficient management skills keep the club running smoothly, ensuring that events, charity rides, and member information are well-coordinated and documented.   Beyond his role as Secretary, Jessie is a talented artist and often contributes his artistic skills to the club, designing promotional materials, event flyers, and custom club patches.  

Treasurer - Michael "Mike" Johnson

Michael "Mike" Johnson is the Treasurer of the Sons of Loki. He is known for his financial acumen and responsible handling of the club's finances. As Treasurer, Mike is entrusted with managing the club's funds, budgeting for events and charitable endeavors, and ensuring transparency in financial matters.   Mike is a dedicated Full Patch Member, and his background in finance makes him a perfect fit for the Treasurer position. He takes great care in managing the club's resources, ensuring that they can continue supporting their community and organizing their adventurous rides.   Together, Lucas, Mitch, Aaron, Jess, and Mike form a strong and dedicated leadership team within the Sons of Loki motorcycle club. Their unique skills, personalities, and commitment to the club's values contribute to the vibrant and supportive community that the club represents in Ashwick Falls.  

Active Members

  • Benjamin "Ben" Ramirez
  • Noah Bennett
  • Jacob "Jake" Peterson
  • Ethan "Eli" Morgan
  • Daniel "Dan" Lee
  • Jason Lee
  • Christopher "Chris" Wright
  • Logan Phillips
  • Richard "Rick" Evans
  • Thomas "Tom" Halliday
  • Axl Williams
  • Eric Lewis


  • William "Will" Roberts
  • Andrew "Andy" Thompson
  • Robert "Rob" Foster


The Sons of Loki motorcycle club has a distinct culture that sets it apart from traditional motorcycle clubs. Rooted in their passion for Norse mythology, a love for motorcycles, and a deep sense of brotherhood, the club's culture is shaped by the following key aspects:

Brotherhood and Unity

The club's culture revolves around a strong sense of brotherhood and unity. Members consider themselves family, bound together by a shared passion for motorcycles and a commitment to supporting each other through thick and thin. This camaraderie extends beyond the club, as they forge friendships with other motorcycle clubs that share similar values.  

Embracing the Spirit of Loki

The Sons of Loki embody the spirit of the Norse god Loki in their approach to life. They embrace the unpredictability and mischief associated with Loki, viewing life's challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation. Their nonconformist attitudes reflect the rebellious spirit of the trickster god, encouraging them to question norms and carve their own path in life.  

Norse Mythology and Viking Aesthetics

The club's fascination with Norse mythology is evident in their clubhouse decor, motorcycle designs, and club insignia. Viking-inspired symbols, Norse runes, and imagery of legendary Norse figures adorn their clothing, motorcycles, and clubhouse. This infusion of Viking aesthetics reflects their connection to their heritage and serves as a visual representation of their identity.  

Adventure and Exploration

Adventure is at the core of the Sons of Loki's culture. They seek thrills on the open road, organizing legendary road trips and camping adventures to explore the beauty of nature and experience the freedom of motorcycling. They see every ride as an opportunity to embark on a new journey, embracing the unknown with a spirit of excitement and curiosity.  

Nonconformity and Individuality

The club's culture encourages individuality and nonconformity. Members are free to express themselves authentically, embracing their unique identities and talents. They reject stereotypes and societal norms, believing in the importance of staying true to oneself and encouraging others to do the same.  

Community Engagement and Charity

The Sons of Loki actively engage with the Ashwick Falls community and beyond through various charity rides, fundraisers, and community events. They take pride in being responsible members of society, contributing to local causes, and making a positive impact on the lives of others.  

Respect and Loyalty

Respect is a foundational value in the club's culture. Members treat each other, fellow bikers, and members of the community with respect and courtesy. Loyalty is highly valued, and betraying the trust of a fellow member is considered an unforgivable offense.  

Emphasis on Safety

The club places a significant emphasis on motorcycle safety and responsible riding practices. They conduct workshops and seminars to educate members and the community on safe riding techniques and the importance of wearing proper gear.  

Continuity and Tradition

The Sons of Loki honor their founding members and the club's history, preserving its traditions while also embracing new ideas and approaches. They celebrate club anniversaries, commemorate fallen members, and maintain a strong connection to their roots.


Day Jobs

Many members of the Sons of Loki hold regular day jobs to support themselves financially. These jobs range from various professions like construction workers, mechanics, nurses, teachers, small business owners, and more. Working day jobs allows them to earn a steady income while pursuing their passion for motorcycles and club activities during their free time.  

Small Businesses

Some members own small businesses in Ashwick Falls and surrounding areas. These businesses include motorcycle repair shops, tattoo parlors, cafes, and art studios. The club members actively support each other's businesses, creating a sense of community and mutual benefit.  

Side Hustles and Entrepreneurship

Several members have side hustles and entrepreneurial ventures. Some may engage in custom motorcycle building, selling biker-related merchandise, or offering motorcycle tours for tourists visiting the region. These side endeavors not only generate income but also contribute to the club's vibrant culture and identity.  

Art and Craftsmanship

A few members are skilled artists, craftsmen, and artisans. They create and sell unique motorcycle-related artwork, leatherwork, jewelry, and other crafts. The club's emblem and merchandise are often designed and produced in-house, showcasing the creativity and talents of its members.  

Community Events and Fundraisers

The Sons of Loki frequently organize community events and fundraisers to raise funds for club activities and charitable causes. These events, such as the annual Viking Festival and charity rides, attract participants from both the club and the local community, generating funds through ticket sales, merchandise sales, and donations.  

Club Membership Dues

To cover club expenses and operational costs, the Sons of Loki collect membership dues from their active members. These dues are used for club maintenance, organizing events, purchasing merchandise, and contributing to community initiatives.  

Donations and Sponsorships

The club also receives donations and sponsorships from local businesses and supporters who believe in their mission and support their community involvement. Sponsors may contribute to specific charity rides or events, and local businesses may donate funds or resources to help the club in its endeavors.  

Responsible Financial Management

The club places a strong emphasis on responsible financial management. The Treasurer ensures that funds are allocated wisely, prioritizing club necessities and community initiatives. Transparency and accountability in handling the club's finances are essential values upheld by the leadership and members.


The Founding of the Sons of Loki

The Sons of Loki motorcycle club was born out of a deep bond between four friends: Lucas Rogers; Robert Foster; Thomas Harding; and Frank Saunders. They were all motorcycle enthusiasts with a shared love for adventure, Norse mythology, and a desire to create a tight-knit brotherhood.   In the late 1970s, they embarked on a cross-country motorcycle trip, seeking to explore the vast landscapes of the United States and experience the freedom of the open road. As they rode through different states, the group stumbled upon a remote and secluded area that piqued their curiosity. Drawn by a sense of adventure, they decided to investigate.   To their amazement, they discovered an ancient Viking burial site. The site was rich with artifacts and runes, igniting their fascination with Norse mythology and the spirit of the legendary Norse god, Loki. The experience at the burial site left a profound impact on the four friends, sparking the idea of forming a motorcycle club that would embody the essence of Loki, embracing life's uncertainties and the thrill of mischief.   With a newfound sense of purpose and inspiration, Lucas, Robert, Thomas, and Mitch decided to create the Sons of Loki motorcycle club. They envisioned a club that would stand apart from traditional motorcycle clubs, emphasizing camaraderie, adventure, and a shared passion for Norse mythology and the open road.  

The Tragic Loss of Thomas Harding

In the early days of the club's formation, tragedy struck the Sons of Loki when Thomas Harding, one of the founding members, lost his life in a motorcycle accident. The incident occurred during one of their rides through treacherous mountain roads. Thomas was known for his adventurous spirit and fearlessness on the road, but that fateful day, unforeseen circumstances took him from his friends and family.   Thomas's passing was a devastating blow to the club, leaving a profound void in the hearts of his fellow founders and all the members. The loss of their friend and brother had a lasting impact on the club's philosophy, reminding them of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment together.   In honor of Thomas Harding's memory, the club decided to incorporate a memorial in their clubhouse, dedicating a special area with his photograph and motorcycle gear. They also established an annual charity ride in his name, which not only commemorates his life but also raises funds for causes close to his heart.   Despite the sorrow of losing Thomas, the Sons of Loki found strength in their unity and continued to ride in his memory. They resolved to carry forward the spirit of adventure, camaraderie, and the mischievous essence of Loki that Thomas held dear.   The founding members and the subsequent generation of Sons of Loki riders strive to preserve Thomas Harding's legacy by embracing life's challenges with courage and finding joy in the freedom of the open road, making the motorcycle club a testament to the enduring bonds of brotherhood forged in the face of both triumph and tragedy.

Ride with Mischief, Embrace the Storm

Founding Date
Late 1970s
Social, Brotherhood
Leader Title


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