Purged Condition in Ashua | World Anvil
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"Burn everything, leave no trace of the structure behind. If the taint is not fully removed, if might spread into the ground, spoiling it for Adar know's how long." - A Footpriest to his crew while purging an old, tainted chapel.
  To become purged is to become cleansed, primarily through the use of the Blessed Flame or through direct or intercessory prayer to Adar. The practice of purging is primarily used when the Living Lesion has taken up residence in a structure or an individual, and is needing to be removed.


In an individual:

  When someone has been purged, they can expect to feel incredibly drained by the ordeal. Care should be taken when performing the rite that the purged individual does not fall and strike their head or otherwise injure themselves. If necessary, prepare for them a tea made from healing herbs and allow them to rest. Recovery can take one or even two days, in some extreme cases.  

In a structure or location:

The next step after purging structures and locations is considerably more involved than that of purging an individual. If the place in question was made of wood, such as a house or a tree, a vial of ashes must be collected and kept by either the individual who requested the purging or the priest(s) who performed it.   In the case of a stone location, another stone or piece of stone must be taken and buried at least a mile away, with the priest(s) who performed the purging ceremony. The stone must be carried by hand, regardless of weather, and may not be transported upon a cart or wagon unless the priest(s) are physically unable to lift the stone unassisted. A bystander to the purging may offer to carry and bury the stone for the priest(s), but they must follow along for the burial.


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