Old Sawmill Building / Landmark in Ashton Creek | World Anvil

Old Sawmill

The old sawmill was one of the first buildings constructed in Ashton Creek, and it played a crucial role in the town's history, providing the lumber from which almost all the first buildings in town were fashioned. It was a vital source of employment for the few residents of Ashton Creek in its early days. Built near the Timber Lake, the sawmill was originally powered by a large waterwheel. It is said that Amos Ashton worked personally on the construction of the mill.


In 1884, just two years after construction, the sawmill was upgraded to a steam-powered mill, though the original waterwheel was not torn down. The new steam engine allowed the sawmill to operate more efficiently, and it became even more important to the town's economy.


The mill was constructed in the summer of 1882, the same year the town was founded. Amos Ashton claims to have personally carry at least 25 of the logs that made up its body, and also worked on the large water wheel. The actual design and engineering of the mill's operation was commissioned to an engineer from Portland.

Unfortunately, the old sawmill met with a tragic end in 1939, when it went up in flames. The cause of the fire was never determined, and the sawmill was never rebuilt. Today, all that remains of the old sawmill is a crumbling foundation and a few scattered pieces of machinery. Despite its demise, the sawmill will always be remembered as an important part of Ashton Creek's history.

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Founding Date
Alternative Names
Ashton Creek Sawmill
Owning Organization