Glumgrove Geographic Location in Ashton Creek | World Anvil


The Glumgrove is a small, dense section of forest located in the Ravenwood National Forest, to the east of Ashton Creek. The popular Gleeful Trail is the most readily available route to finding it. The grove is separated from the rest of the woods by clearings and meadows, and it is much darker and more foreboding than the surrounding forest. The air is heavy and still, and the trees are tall and gnarled, with twisted branches and roots. The underbrush is thick and tangled, and the forest floor is damp and spongy.

There are numerous legends surrounding the Glumgrove, from stories of witches to ghosts. Some locals avoid the Glumgrove at all costs, fearing that they might be ensnared by its twisted vines and dragged into the darkness. Others, mostly outsiders, are drawn to its allure, seeking to uncover its secrets and unlock its hidden mysteries. Despite the risks, the Glumgrove remains a popular destination for hikers and adventurers. The Municipality of Ashton Creek and the US National Forest Service allow entry at one's own risk, claiming no responsibility for disappearances.