Ceremony Spell in Ashton Creek | World Anvil


The art of ceremony is a magical discipline that focuses on the performance of rituals and ceremonies to achieve specific goals or outcomes. These rituals often involve the use of specific materials, such as candles, incense, crystals, and other objects which hold magical properties. The particular location and environment of a ritual is also important, with many ceremonies only being effective if performed in places of power and under specific conditions.

The rituals themselves may be complex and detailed, involving specific gestures, movements, and even chanting or singing to invoke the desired effects. Diagrams and symbols may also be used to help focus the mind and channel the magical energies during the ceremony.

A hallmark of ceremony is the reliance on mystical sources of alien power. These have been traditionally depicted as deities, demons, angels and other various spirits. The literature surrounding these entities is sparse and filled with contradiction. Each tradition describes certain entities entirely differently, and can hardly agree on which ones are real and which ones are pure myth. In more modern times, this issue has been mostly circumvented by abstraction. Rather than a spell requiring the calling upon a specific spirit, it may instead describe the attributes an invoked spirit would require such that the spell works.

Like many other sorts of magic, it is steeped in mystery. Many practitioners do not however understand the true meaning behind their ceremonies, truly believing that they are communing with spirits and gods. To practice it safely, one requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the principles of magic and the energies being invoked.

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