Elves Species in Ashera (Beta) | World Anvil
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Elves are creatures of beauty, grace and magical talent. They tend to live in small enclaves dotted around Ashera or on their home, the Green Moon. Elves build beautiful homes and settlements in the wilderness.   They originated on the Green Moon. How they came about is even unknown to themselves, all the first elves knew was that they awoke beside a cracked and broken shrine, covered in moss. The moon became a home to the Elves and they lived in accordance to the fey and nature there. They worshipped the land and the celestial heavens above.   Elves are lanky, 6-7 ft. tall beings with incredibly long ears. Their eyes have a slight glow to them that is hard to notice in the day but apparent at night.   The elvish sub-races are: Dusk Elves, Dawn Elves and Twilight Elves.   Twilight elves are those that live with respects to the stars and the green moon, following the elvish traditions of their lunar ancestors. They live in the wilderness and have a disdain for the other elves for causing their banishment. Their skin is pale and often have colourful undertones to them.   Dusk Elves are those that left the green moon for the darkly veiled skies of Shae. Their skin is grey and they wear wicked tattoos.   Dawn Elves are the elves that built high towers and kingdoms and forsook the ways of the fey, in the hopes that they might reach the sun. They have warm coloured, often golden skin tones.


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