Arkanon Myth in Ashanor | World Anvil
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Arkanon was thought to be a Dwarven Arificer that was infamous for his skills in smithing magical weapons. These weapons have their own legends and Myths but they all seem to stem from Arkanon's workshop. Many adventurers and seamen dream of finding a cave filled with treasure and one of his weapons.   As far as C.O.S.M has told anyone Arkanon was indeed a real person and his weapons were definitely used in sealing the rift. What the majority don't know is that he was not of this world and most definitely not a Dwarf. He was Naknada a strange race that collects and creates artifacts. They know of how to bind souls into objects....

In Art

Arkanons swords are often depicted in murals, tapestries, bard songs, and a variety of other artistic mediums that display the heroes of the Orc wars or during the rift era.
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