Lord Oberon: Archfey of the Seelie Court Character in Ash & Bone ~D&D 5e~ | World Anvil
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Lord Oberon: Archfey of the Seelie Court

Lord Oberon (a.k.a. The Green Lord)

Passionate and Free. Oberon is the mightiest of the wild fey, those of independent disposition who refuse to bow to any singular ruler. As such, he does not rule a court in the same way that Titania or the Queen of Air and Darkness does. Rather, wild fey defer to him whenever their paths cross not out of allegiance but out of respect for his prowess, as well as out of caution. Oberon's mood changes like the wind, and is so powerful that the weather itself reflects his whims.

Lover and a Fighter. Oberon lives in the moment. His whirlwind romances are legendary, wherein he may spend a week, a month, or even just a single evening passionately wooing a beautiful warrior or a handsome hunter, only to leave without warning when the mood takes him to do so. His most famous romance, as well as longest lasting, has been with Titania. The two have, in the past, been alternately lovers, mortal enemies, and for a century or two even managed to be both. Their current relationship is ambigious in nature often appearing married at times only to be friends the next, Oberon himself speaking highly of the levelheaded counsel that Titania provides him with.


Lord Oberon: Archfey of the Seelie Court

Confidante (Important)

Towards Queen Titania: Archfey of the Seelie Court



Queen Titania: Archfey of the Seelie Court

Confidante (Important)

Towards Lord Oberon: Archfey of the Seelie Court



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