Proioxis Galaxy Geographic Location in Ascent of the Old Ones | World Anvil
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Proioxis Galaxy

The Proioxis Galaxy is significantly larger than the area of traversable space that comprises the explored systems. Most of the galaxy is not reachable with even the fastest of subspace drives, and it wasn't until the discovery of the Warp Gates that interstellar travel become a reality. Over the centuries, these mystical wormholes have allowed the fledgling empires to spread among the stars and have been the mos.   These way-gates have opened up contact with new peoples and civilizations, and ushered in a new era of exploration, trade and war. Control of these gates among the fledgling stellar empires has resulted in wars on a scale not yet dreamt of. While the galaxy is currently in a state of relative peace, old rivalries and the uncertain truces begin to wear down and those that wish to rise from under the boot of the oppressive governments threaten the stability that has been achieved.  

Major Factions

The following are the main factions found within the area.      

Conglomerate of Terrestrial Principles


The Luan Star Empire


The United Separatists Front


  • Proioxis Galaxy

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