Asavla The Ascension of Sunniva I

The Ascension of Sunniva I

Political event


Empress Sunniva I, aged only 18, takes the throne of Divinice

With the Maiden Drought now long gone, new Maidens were finally being born. And not a dash too soon, as the last of the ancient Temple Maidens, the Empress Fuyuko I, was frail and fading. But she held on until 1305, where she formally passed her power and responsibility unto the Dawn Maiden Sunniva, aged only 18. With her crowning - even if her legitimacy was questioned due to lacking the 'empresses soul' - she would bring an end to the troubled times of the last 30 years, and bring peace back to Divinice. Her coronation was very subdued and quiet, intended to be finished quickly so that she could immediately set about restoring the fractured empire she had inherited.

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