Asavla The Demigod Drought

The Demigod Drought

Disaster / Destruction


New demigods are not being made successfully

In the aftermath of the disastrous Bombing of Kysra, Kysro and Ylais have completely given up pretending to be allies. They won't truly battle, not yet, but they harshly enforce the magical barrier between The Empire of Divinice and the Republic of Stolisia. However, with the two no longer working together, new demigods are not being born. In an effort to prevent either country from losing power, the two gods work separately to recapture the 'formula' that made demigods possible. It isn't until mid 1285 that the first Dusk Demigod is born successfully, albeit far weaker than any of her predecessors. This was followed a few months later with the first Dawn Demigod.

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