Asavla The Overthrow of Lucius I

The Overthrow of Lucius I

Political event


His cousin ascends to the throne

Lucius had been an altogether unpleasant monarch, far greedier and selfish than any of his successors. Such was his personality that he had annexed a variety of Stolisi territories, to the harsh objections of their inhabitants, and exploited these regions for their goods. Such it was that his cousin, the later Samson I, allied with the military to overthrow him. Based out of his castle in the Duchy of [Benir? smth like that], Samson would launch an invasion of the city of Lusca and the royal palace. Lucius, in a rare cause of forethought, had bribed many of his soldiers to ensure their loyalty, causing the coup to be a drawn out affair. Eventually, many of Lucius' soldiers surrendered, and the castle was seized, though not before Lucius had fled the city. He was ratted out and turned into Samson's armies a few weeks later, and formally stripped of his title and rank and banished. He was sent sailing east, and it is rather uncertain whether he made it to the eastern continent or potentially drowned at sea. Many people have claimed to be his descendants, with no claims verified.

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