Asavla The Divinitian Protectore of Maleli

The Divinitian Protectore of Maleli

Diplomatic action


Maleli joins the Empire, with a special position highlighting its relative independence

Roshni I made great strides in the diplomacy with Maleli, and when the drought finally broke in 1210, it was finally back on its own two feet. But the country did not want to leave! And so, with a years worth of negotiations, Roshni I formally declared the Divinitian Protectorate of Maleli. Thus, Maleli would continue to have its own local government, but would receive regular aid shipments from Divinice and would gain access to the vast Empire trade network, as well as all the diplomatic ties that came with it. Everyone agrees this was a pretty good move. Many citizens of Maleli, even to this day, revere Roshni I as 'the true manifestation of Ylais' and festivals are held in honour of her coronation. The date of her death is a day of mourning for them.

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