Asavla Aid to Maleli

Aid to Maleli

Diplomatic action


A northern country begs for the aid of the prosperous Divinice. Dara I happily supplies

A small country north of the equator was running into some difficulties. The Kingdom of Maleli was small, but its fishing and agricultural were plentiful enough to keep it alive. A recent drought and the jostling of neighbouring nations sent it into a complete panic. Desperate, and out of allies, it sent a diplomatic envoy to Divinice, begging Empress Dara I to send them aid in the form of food or soldiers, to hold off potential invaders and to help the country survive until the drought was done. Dara I, who heavily focused on diplomacy, personally travelled to Maleli as a sign of solidarity, and to ward off potential invaders - for Divinice was feared world wide for its powerful navy, and its strong magical culture. Dara merrily provided a steady drip of supplies into the country, escorted by soldiers and Maidens who could aid in dealing with the drought.

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