Demigod Species in Asavla | World Anvil


Demigods are a hybrid species, born of two humans and divine intervention. The specific traits of the demigod are highly variable, depending on their human parents and their divine patron/s, and many divisions have existed in the past. A notable, and presumed extinct variant, is the Nox Demigod, which was the major species from approximately 872 through till 1308. The two extant major species of demigod are the Dawn Demigod and the Dusk Demigod.


Demigods are known to be physically stronger than their human parents, and typically grow taller. They also have shorter lifespans than human counterparts, topping out at approximately 70 years in healthy nations.
A key feature that sets demigods apart from humans is their ability to use magic, inherited from their divine patron/s. This manifests in the ability to affect light and dark, and to affect direct change in the elements. Light/dark manipulation is an inherited trait, while elemental manipulation is skill that can be learnt.   Demigods appear to derive from female children, and possess many human female secondary sexual characteristics. However, no demigod has been known to possess primary characteristics, and as such they are believed to be infertile.


As no-one as ever seen the gods in person, which features of demigods are emulating them or a result of mutation is up for the debate. What is known is that most demigods take genetic traits from their human parents, such as whether their hair is curly or straight, eye shape, and general facial construction. It then appears that divine traits are layered over top, with the addition of horns in the upper forehead and changes in skin and eye colour. Some particularly powerful demigods have been known to have sharper teeth and longer nails than weaker counterparts, in addition to short, lizard-like tails.

Dawn Demigods

Dawn demigods inherit their abilities from Ylais, Goddess of Light, and their appearance reflects this. The skin tone of dawn demigods is typically pale blue, with high shade variance, seemingly based on the skin tones of their human parents. They possess light yellow sclera and golden irises, with a similar shade of golden hair.   As they get their power from Ylais, dawn demigods are capable of manipulating light and its intensity.
dawn demigod example
A Divinitian Dawn Demigod in ceremonial religious robes c.1344
dusk demigod example
A Stolisian Dusk Demigod in ceremonial military attire c.1345

Dusk Demigods

Dusk demigods inherit their abilities from Kysro, Goddess of Dark, and as such reflect the night sky and the moon. Their skin is dark blue, with racial variance. Their eyes appear closer to humans, with a very pale blue sclera and vivid blue irises. Their hair is usually the same colour as their sclera.   As they gain their power from Kysro, they are capable of manipulating darkness and its intensity.

Nox Demigods

Nox Demigods took their abilities from Ylais and Kysro, and as such manifested aspects from both in various degrees. Skin could be any shade of blue, scleras could pale yellow or pale blue, irises could be golden or blue, and hair could be golden or icy. These aspects seemed to vary based on parent race and religious alignment, with many Ylais-worshipping families having demigods with dawn-like traits.   The general appearance of nox demigods also evolved over the centuries, with early ones having smaller horns and more muted skin tones. Later nox demigods, particularly circa 1247, possessed more vivid colours and far more magic than historic counterparts. Notably, their horns were larger and often joined at the top to create a ring, and they are the only known demigods to possess functional tails.   As they took their powers from both Ylais and Kysro, nox demigods were known to use both dark and light magic. Many specialised in accordance with their religious beliefs.
Empress Celeste II
Empress Celeste II of Divinice, an infamous Nox Demigod, c. 1239


Demigods as a hybrid species have been attempted since at early as the 700s, coinciding with suspicious infant deaths in the LosinĂ© region. In the early 800s, a few infants were successfully delivered with magic, but would often pass before their first birthdays, or be too weak and frail to utilise their divine heritage. It was not until approximately 872, with the birth of a nox demigod in Old Divinice . While this demigod would only live into her 20s, she successfully used magic and channelled the gods themselves during this time, and she is widely believed to be the first demigod to live past double digits. With this success, the gods continued to create new demigods, predominantly in the LosinĂ© region, eventually spreading to other regions as early as 930. Later stage nox demigods, marked by joined horns, first began to appear in LosinĂ© around 1130, spreading swiftly across Asavla.   Nox demigods are believed to have gone extinct in the aftermath of the Bombing of Ksyra in 1256, with any demigods delivered in the following year found to be extremely unwell in some manner, and all thereafter being delivered prematurely with severe issues. Those who were alive were fine, but no new Nox demigods were born after this time, heralding the end for the species. This is commonly known as the Demigod Drought.   Eventually, in 1285, the first dusk demigod was delivered healthy, heralding the end of the drought. The first healthy dawn demigod would follow only a year later.   The last nox demigod is believed to have died 1308 in Maleli, though reports are conflicted.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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