Rogue/ Thief Profession in Arylon | World Anvil

Rogue/ Thief

One should always keep a close hand on your coin purse or anything of value that you have on you, when traveling the busy streets of Starlium or Carthain. Rogues love to talk about their adventures or about rumors they have overheard. You can Always find one in a tavern or Inn. One must be aware of the who play cards or telling a story and even more those that tell you rumors about great treasures. they may be trying to set you up for an ambush.



  1. One must be Agile. Great Agility means you can move and strike quicker and more often.
  2. a silver tongue is highly sot after. High Charisma is always a great way.
  3. Notice, you must know and see what other cannot notice.
  4.  Sneak is Of Course the main skill. 

Career Progression

  • Some rogues gain their infamy through being a highway bandit. Robbing those on busy roads and not that much watched by the watch or local guards.
  • Some thieves gain their infamy through being Cat burglars. Sneaking into highly secure places to steal priceless treasures.
  • Guild rogues gain their fame through the contracts they take by those that can afford their crew.
  • Pirates are rogues of the sea, and they gain infamy by raiding towns and sinking and taking treasures from ruins and cities.
  • Freelance thieves get to keep what they steal and get a bounty on their head. Infamy is like fame to a fighter or bard.

Payment & Reimbursement

Payments all depends on the career progression and how they gain their infamy or fame. Guild rogues for example gain a portion of the coin from the contracts the Rogues guild. Pirates gain a small portion of coin from their looting and plundering. The captain pays their crew.



They carry out thing's others will not. They can get in and out of places without letting anyone in that place know that they are there.

Social Status

Most societies consider rogues to be the lowest of the professions. Yet there are romantic stories of the "Scarlet Rose" thief. A romantic serries of a rogue that not only steal from the rich or cruel people and help peasants, serfs, craftsmen's, farmers, and merchants. besides this "fantasy" in many countries they are hated when people find out that you're a thief and the knights of the realm will arrest or behead you on sight if the bounty on the rogue's head is way too high to pass up.

Discipline D8:

"Now you see Me..." d8 the talent to hide in plain sight. Hinder d4 gain a plot point taking this at d4 instead.   Bloody daggers- Spens a plot point and gain bleeding wound effects in your damage die effect. the die type determines the amount s of bleeding damage the target gains.   "What is this bag?"= d8 the talent to pickpocket personal coin purses or other pouches without making a sound. Add d8 when pickpocketing attempts. Hinder D4 gain plot points whin lowering it to a d4.     "Honestly, you can believe me ... I am an honest person. Honestly." - D8 add this die when attempting to lie, bluff, or tell a story to another character. Hinder D4 gain plot point when lowering it to a d4 instead.
Alternative Names
Bandits, criminal, pirates, scavengers, raiders.