Lesser Kabal Spells Spell in Arylon | World Anvil

Lesser Kabal Spells


Lesser cure touch- If the caster's divine is of the Upperworld than this spell cures poisons and some sickness. d8 or below only. If the caster's divine is of the underworld than the gives lesser poisons and/or lesser sickness. D8 or below.   Healing Grace- The touch of Upperworld heals the die level of the caster's presence. Underworld steals health of the target of the caster's presence.   Hand of the __ world- This strike is like being hit by the rath of the upper world divine. The light will burn the darkness in being of the Underworld back by half the Strength die level plus the weapon damage. Underworld like being hit by pure darkness. Cold and nothingness. The darkness will burn the light of being of the Upperworld back by half the Strength die plus the weapon damage.   Slowing Light- The Upperworld slows the natural disease to a crawl. d8-d10 types. The Underworld Increasing darkness- Quickens the disease up a step size complication until dead.  


The Voice of my __- Activating this spell causes apposing rolls the higher one causes the either the banishment to cause an effect or resist the spell entirely.   Spirits begone from my sight! - If a natural or magical spirit of the dead is within sight of the caster, the spirit makes an opposing roll of fails it is banished to the to the underworld or the heavens of the caster's divine.   Spirits bow before me- Underworld caster causes the spirit to obey the commands if the spirit fails to resist during its opposing roll. If the spirit is already controlled by another caster than this spell auto fails. and the caster knows the spirit is already under another's control.  


Helps the temple order- the caster will follow the orders of the temple they are bound to no matter the order. The caster may question their higher ups but, ultimately, they will carry out their commands.  The Spell of the same name allows the caster to call upon the temple order to bless their armament and weapons. giving it a minimum d8 blessing. This works for both.   Helping the Community - This spell causes a two-increment area of effect and all followers within will carry out the order of the caster when the caster passes a hard test.   "I am your Servant my __" When a caster uses this spell, they will enter a state of the gods/ Immortal choosing. This can be from a berserk rage, a state where the caster preaches for over two hours nonstop, goes on a savage hunt or turns into a beast/fiend of that god/Immortal.

Cover image: by Dan Scott