Goblins Ethnicity in Arylon | World Anvil


No scholar is really sure of what or who may have had a hand in the creation of these under handed, lying, conniving creatures. Did some Azurian get cursed by some Wyrd sister? Maybe an Underworld Immortal created them from a lab and please one of the gods of the Underworld? The only thing that anyone is sure of is Never trust a goblin or befriend one. They will kill their own sister and sell their own mother off for gold. A large amount of these creature dwell in the Broken Lands. They copy or at least attempt to dress and even steal weapons and clockwork tech to get the upper hand on their enemies. The Azurians have almost made a sport out of taking out these creatures. The goblins seem to dress like the Azurians to tap into their Mojo and maybe win a few more battles against the Azurians. The lion's guard of Vostoria have defended the mountain into the mountain town of Kathern on numerous encounters.  

Get the Shinnies:

They LOVE gold, silver and sparkly items. They are a lover of clothes and boots. Many will steal children's clothes and even ripped up armor pieces that they put together to make their own armor sets.  They have used silverware as arrow tips or spear heads.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Boo, Globs, Sizzle, Bits, Satty, Bitty, Bunny, Stomps on cats.

Masculine names

Blaze, Scorched, Sneeze, Sneezer, Snot, Slimer, Slimes, Cannon fodder, Whispers, Yells, Kicks, Thrown, Dog Kicker.

Unisex names

Pepper, Bites, Salt, Baccon, Raccoon, Hops, Tabs, Lit on Fire,

Family names

Bitten Once, Holy Shite, Gotcha, Nope, Kicked over the tree, One eyed, Poison Bait, Trap Breaker,,
Basic Encounter:(3D6): All stats at d6 except Psyche and Presence d4 for both Skills:
  • Stealth d6
  • Fight D6
  • endurance d6
  • Three other skills d6
Advanced encounter: (4d8) All stats at d8 except Psyche and Pressence d6 for both Skills:
  • Stealth d6 + d8 moves silently.
  • Fight D6 + d8 simple weapons
  • Endurance d6 + d8 Die hard.
  • Three skills at d6 if their story-based character add three specialties at d8
Goblin Caster: All stats at d6 except Psyche and Pressence d8 for both Skills:
  • Mysticism d6 + D8 evocation spells, D8 conjuration
  • Shoot D6 + thrown spells
  • Endurance d6 + combat casting
  • Alchemy d6 +d8 poisons, d8 magical potions.

Goblin King:

Boss encounter (4d10) All Stats at d10 except Psyche and Pressence d8 for both.  Skill:
  • Stealth d6 + d10 move in shadows.
  • Fight d6+ d10 melee weapons
  • Endurance d6 + d10 Die hard.
  • Four Skills trained d6 plus d10 specialty in those skills.