Kryssphort Settlement in Arulyn | World Anvil
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The free city of Kryssphort - a breeding ground for the criminally inclined. What once was a golden asset of the prosperous kingdom of Brysindr is now littered with corrupted frauds, cunning thieves, and cruel zealots. Where the wealthy merchants pretend to be more civilized than the wilderness surrounding the city. Where the poor are preyed upon like dead bait, or repeat the cycle of violence with pogroms and abuse. And despite all the unnecessary violence and injustice, the city is at his peak on industrial and technical advancement. Black rising smoke covers the roofs like a sheet of cancerous clouds. and in the streets, lanterns have been replaced with luminescent bulbs and high voltage lines run above the pavement to every corner of the block.


The Mortians are the first citizens of the city and still fill 40% of its population. They are proud of their heritage. Mortians have found their way in any trade in the city. From factory owner to innkeeper, a mortian takes the wheel. Their hospitality can differ between warmly and lacking, so it is hard to count on their friendliness. But they are most often the first to share their opinion.   Humans began in the city as merchants and travelers. Not long after they are present in any field, but most likely they found their place on the harbor, the marine, and the city watch. The human infrastructure and military expertise helped the city to become a metropolis that it is today. Architects, doctors, Engineers, they are highly respected among the people. However, human's share in unemployment and crime rate is by far unneglectable.   Alfar are the minority of the three species. They live mostly in groups of other alfar and goes to schools and stores solely for alfar. Almost the entire alfar population is religious and temples are common in the city. They are the most peaceful of the three.   Cyborgs are the wealthy class. Cyborgs are most likely wealthy businessmen or women who enhanced their body as a symbol of their wealth or veterans from the Great war who are honored and retired. You do not see a cyborg living on the streets.   Steambots are the working class. They are the poorest group and get mostly paid in primary needs. They live in slums and on the streets. People don’t think they are important and show a lack of sympathy. The wealthy class avoid steambots in disgust. Steambots are also used in the military. These steambots are great recruits and serve the city well.   Thranx are uncommon in the city. Other people will most likely look at them in amazement and curiosity. But most of the time they do not look at you in disgust since the aid of the thranx in the Great War. This doesn’t mean they are friendly to Thranx. In contrary, thranx are less accepted in many public places and they hardly find any work. Most Thranx are therefore independent entrepreneurs.   Zivven in the city are like in the rest of the world overlooked. They have served a great part in the development of the city, but they are not credited for it. And they don’t want that either. Their 'behind-the-curtain work' allows them to remain mostly indifferent in most conflicts and they are easily underestimated for it. They live among other races and are accepted as their neighbors and friends.


Kryssphort is ruled by the City Council. the council consists of 6 ministers each representing a part of the city's economy.
  • Minister of Faith: Cyrus Bellevarn, head of the church
  • Minister of Coin: Ermin von Orubus, owner of the Livaldi Bank
  • Minister of Justice: Lorfunri Oakenstark, Landlord, Millionaire
  • Minister of Defense: Ingmar Brynjolf General in command of the City Guard.
  • Minister of Infrastructure: Elon Manice , owner of E.M. Power energy company.
  • Minister of Trade: Sindri Windfell, steel and weapon manufacturer.


Town-Bridge , water elevator, steam engines, zeppelins.

Guilds and Factions

Onyx Syndicate, Phoenix Clan, The Enclave, Theatre Guild, Church of enlightment, Hidden terrorist group, .... ....


In the founding years of the city, Kryssphort was nothing more but a landmark - a giant bridge that connects the cliffs of the Livaldy Pass, which is used as a shortcut for escorts and traveling merchants alike. Delicately made with Mortian architecture and hardened basalt, Søyler Bridge stands 172 feet above the river banks and is more than a mile long. Because of the increased traffic, settlements were built on top and either side of the bridge. Town-Bridge was born. In the following decades, the town expanded exponentially. With the ingenuity of a water elevator and dam, The city has access to the sea from its harbor. Now it is the worlds biggest standing city due to innovative trade, transport, and technology.   When KIng Harrolt IV died due to an illness without leaving an heir of its own, the previous upheld peace between the noble Mortian clans was immediately discarded when they all asserted to have a claim on the throne. They fought, they reused and they stabbed each other in the back, and Kryssphort suffered under the conflict as if it was a game of tug o' war. Kryssphort has seen many monarchs in only a reasonably short period, one of which was later became known as the Day King. He only ruled for less than 32 hours before he was forced onstage of the Pavilion Theatre where he was publically tortured and later executed. When the head of the wealthy families had enough of this 'king of the hill' situation, they have come together to form an alliance and pact: Kryssphort will become independent.   Since the independence of Kryssphort, the city became a lot more appealing to people from other ethnicities. Especially to fugitives, refugees and outlaws who desire to leave their troubled past behind. But also Missionaries and religion workers traveled all this way to spread their faith in the ashen city. Temples were erected all over the city and people slowly converted towards the spiritualism. Noble Alfar families joined the wealthy class and with their connection to the church, they rose in power very quickly.   In the Era of Sorcery, Kryssphort quadrupled in size. Its technology was booming, all thanks to the discovery of Nutrient energy. This magic found its way into every sector of the city and even in the households of wealthy families. Geology was a profitable business, and no-one hesitated to get a piece of the pie. Even the military hired Geologists into their arms. The cities defenses became impenetrable in that time. The city fended off attack after attack from sea and land, all of whom wants the technology for themselves. Yet the generals were displeased. They started developing stronger and stronger weapons in secret. On the power level that could wipe out the entire city. Workers began to question their work but were silenced by their superiors. Then, a rogue soldier leaked the redacted plans. When the news became public, massive protests and riots occurred. The city streets were turned to a battlefield in the civil war that followed. Out of fear, people grew hateful towards geologists, magic practitioners, and nutrients in general. This was the start of the witch hunt. People were burned alive at the stake. Anyone that even had a remote connection to nutrients met the same fate. many of which were innocent. Eventually, the military gave in. Together with the city council, they arranged an agreement and formed a new law; Nutrients were banned from the city and geology became illegal.   Since the banning of magic, Kryssphort suffered from a major setback. The machinery was vintage. poverty, unemployment and crime rates were at an all-time high. WIth no more witches to blame, people turned against each other. Racism became more prevalent. Hatred towards other species resulted in pillarisation and dissociation, which on itself fed the fear even more, like a vicious cycle. A group of Mortian extremist was formed and claimed that the city belonged only to the Mortians. This group later leveled an entire human district. The explosion of 1885 caused the city council to realize that this division cannot exist any longer and they started a new program to lift sociopolitical barriers. the extremist group was declared terrorists to the city and every member was prosecuted.   In the mechanical era, the city became the largest on the planet. With the inventions of electricity, Steam engines and Zeppelins, which all happened in Kryssphort, the city flourished once more. The destroyed houses were rebuilt as an industrial district and Steambots were introduced as the ideal worker.   In the Great War Kryssphort remained independent until it was suddenly attacked by Maximus' legion. The city was laid under siege and it struggled from major destruction, food shortage, and inflation. Town-Bridge was completely obliterated, as well as the entire east side of the city. In response, The Resistance enforced the city in arms and fought on two fronts. With all forces at the city outer walls, the central districts were unregulated and the Onyx Syndicate seized this opportunity to reassure its future once the city falls. After 8 days, the city walls were sabotaged from within and the legion marched through the gates. After the city fell, the resistance went into hiding, so the legion made a deal with the Onyx syndicate. in exchange of flushing the city from the rebels and spies, Maximus will in return offer the Onyx syndicate a seat in the city council.
Alternative Name(s)
Ashen City, Bridgetown
Inhabitant Demonym
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